sâmbătă, 16 august 2014

REVIEW/RECENZIE - Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins

Budding designer Lola Nolan doesn’t believe in fashion...she believes in costume. The more expressive the outfit--more sparkly, more fun, more wild--the better. But even though Lola’s style is outrageous, she’s a devoted daughter and friend with some big plans for the future. And everything is pretty perfect (right down to her hot rocker boyfriend) until the dreaded Bell twins, Calliope and Cricket, return to the neighborhood.

When Cricket--a gifted inventor--steps out from his twin sister’s shadow and back into Lola’s life, she must finally reconcile a lifetime of feelings for the boy next door.


I think I liked this more than I liked Anna and the French Kiss and I'm not saying it because I disliked Anna, but because this was more realistic, for me, not so fluffy and it discussed more serious stuff. 

I don't want to speak about what happens in the book because it would be spoilers, but I want to talk about the characters. It was nice to see again Anna and St. Claire and to see how their relationship changed and grown, and somehow make a comparison between their relationship and Lola's relationship with his boyfriend... and then Cricket.

Being honest I liked more Cricket than Lola, and not because he's the cute guy, but because he seemed more real to me, I could sympathize easier with him. Lola with his wigs and dresses and shoes and all those colors... not really my type. And I understand that that's her style, like that she feels good and herlself. But sometimes was a bit hard to keep up with the changes of clothes and her character changes. Sometimes I felt that she didn't know how to feel, how to act and I don't know if it was hard to figure out some things or she didn't wanted.

Lola, compared with Cricket seemed more immature, childish and you can't tell to people that you want them to trust you when you act like a crazy person and hide. I mean Lola was driving me a lil crazy when she knew for so long and it took longer to accept it. I mean are you afraid of what you really want? Do you keep much to appearances than to what you really want and makes you happy?

Another character that pissed me off a lil bit was Cricket's sister. Why are you so selfish? Why do you want to ruin other people's happyness just because they won't stay near you every second of your life? And Cricket and his family were so... naive to pamper her and treat her like a princess. Man, you can't do that, treat you child like he's the best in the world and ignore the other or just making him feel he's not special. It's stupid. 

Back to our story. To be honest even if I really liked and enjoyed this book, I think that is more of a summer read, nothing too serious, too deep. Yeah, it has some stuff in it, but you can see from the beginning where is going and maybe it was a little too sweet for me. But it was really really cute. And I can't wait to read Isla and the Happily Ever After.



Cred ca mi-a placut mai mult decat Anna si sarutul frantuzesc si nu spun asta pentru ca Anna nu mi-ar fi placut, ci pentru ca mi s-a parut mai realista, nu asa de dulce si a adus in discutie mai multe teme, in afara de povestea de iubire.

Nu vreau sa vorbesc despre ce se intampla in carte pentru ca as da spoilere, insa vreau sa vorbesc de personaje. A fost dragut sa-i vad iarasi pe Anna si St. Claire si sa observ cum relatia lor a evoluat; si cumva am putut face o comparatie intre relatia lor si relatia Lolei cu iubitul ei... si cu Cricket. 

Sincera sa fiu mi-a placut mai mult Cricket decat Lola si nu zic asta pentru ca el e tipul dragut, ci pentru ca mi s-a parut mai real si am putut empatiza mai mult cu el. Lola cu perucile ei, cu rochiile si toti acei pantofi si culorile.... nu a fost chiar genul meu. Desi inteleg de ce era asa, ca asa era ea si se simtea bine. Doar ca uneori era greu sa tin pasul cu toate schimbarile de haine si mai ales cu cele de caracter. Uneori am simtit ca nici ea nu stia ce sa simta, cum sa se poarte si nu stiu daca a fost greu sa-si dea seama de anumite lucruri sau nu voia.

Lola comparativ cu Cricket mi s-a parut mai imatura, mai copilaroasa si nu poti sa le zici oamenilor sa aiba incredere in tine daca te porti nebuneste si te ascunzi. Vreau sa spun ca Lola m-a enervat cand stia ceva, de mult timp, insa ii lua mult sa accepte. Adica ti-e teama de ce vrei? Tii asa mult la aparente, mai mult decat la ce vrei cu adevarat si te face fericit? 

Alt personaj care m-a enervat a fost sora lui Cricket. De ce esti asa egoist? De ce vrei sa strici fericirea altora, doar pentru ca nu i-ai mai avea langa tine in fiecare clipa a vietii tale? Iar Cricket si familia lui erau asa de... naivi, cocolosind-o si tratand-o ca pe o printesa. 
Frate, nu poti face asta, nu poti sa-ti tratezi un copil ca pe cel mai bun din lume si pe celalalt sa-l ignori, facandu-l sa fie simta un nimic. E aiurea.

Revenind la poveste. Sincer, chiar daca mi-a placut cartea foarte mult, cred ca e mai mult o lectura de vara, nimic foarte serios sau profund. Da, exista anumite lucruri, dar poti vedea de la inceput incotro merge si poate a fost prea dulce pentru mine. Dar chiar mi s-a parut draguta. Si abia astept sa citesc Isla and the Happily Ever After.


3 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

Foarte frumoasa recenzia,m-ai facut sa imi doresc si mai mult sa citesc cartea aceasta.

Praf de stele spunea...

N-am citit cartea si nici pe cealalta, dar sper s-o fac cat mai curand. :)

Unknown spunea...

O prietena a citit cartea si mi-a recomandat-o si mie, insa nu eram inca sigura daca sa o citesc sau nu. Dar, multumita recenziei tale, m-am hotarat sa ii dau o sansa. Multumesc foarte mult!