On the heels of a family tragedy, the last thing Katie Greene wants to do is move halfway across the world. Stuck with her aunt in Shizuoka, Japan, Katie feels lost. Alone. She doesn’t know the language, she can barely hold a pair of chopsticks, and she can’t seem to get the hang of taking her shoes off whenever she enters a building.
Then there’s gorgeous but aloof Tomohiro, star of the school’s kendo team. How did he really get the scar on his arm? Katie isn’t prepared for the answer. But when she sees the things he draws start moving, there’s no denying the truth: Tomo has a connection to the ancient gods of Japan, and being near Katie is causing his abilities to spiral out of control. If the wrong people notice, they'll both be targets.
Katie never wanted to move to Japan—now she may not make it out of the country alive.
First, can we take a moment to look at the gorgeous cover? It's so beautiful and so simple, and original. Plus the cover matches the story very well.
I wanted to read this book for quite some time, but I wasn't sure if I was going to enjoy it. I like Japan and Asian culture but not so much to read a book. But can I say that I was a bit wrong? This book was so good and the fact that all happens in Japan made the story better, more exotic and unique.
And the idea fitted perfectly. I don't think that this idea would've been so well written and expressed in America for example or other country. Because we all know that Japan is a beautiful and fragile country, in appearance, but she can be powerful and bad when she wants. But I will stop blabbering and I'll say that this book was a mouth of fresh air because of the idea, such an unique concept and I love well used, because of the background (it's the first book that I read and it 'happens' in Japan) and 'cause of the characters. Plus I really really liked that the author used Japanese expressions and words.
I won't tell you what happens in the novel but it was amazing and it had everything you could want: action, suspense, friendship, family, funny moments, sad moments, culture. It's an awesome mix and I liked more than I expected. And I can't wait to pick the next book in this trilogy (?), after I finish writing this review.
And if the synopsis didn't made you want to read it, then maybe my recommendations will do? Because the book is better than the synopsis and I know that the synopsis has a bit of cheesyness in it, but the book doesn't. And the characters, Tomohiro and Katie are so nice sketched, and so strong. And I don't think that is neccesary to say that their adventure is original and you won't find this kind of thing in other books. So you should try, because it has an awesome idea, a beautiful background, nice characters, a lot of myths and Japanese culture and many more.
Cred c-am vrut sa citesc cartea aceasta de cand am vazut-o prima data, insa desi ma intriga din cauza copertii si a ideii, nu stiam cat avea sa-mi placa. Mi se pare interesanta cultura asiatica si japoneza, insa nu mai citisem asa ceva pana atunci. Si totusi am incercat. Recunosc c-am fost foarte surprinsa pentru ca mi-a placut extrem de tare si acum imi pare putin rau ca n-am citit-o mai devreme.
Ink e genul de roman care te atrage prin unicitatea lui si pentru mine a fost o gura mare de aer proaspat, atat datorita ideii, dar si faptului ca totul se intampla in Japonia. Si daca stau bine sa ma gandesc nu stiu cum s-ar prin aplicat aceasta idee daca s-ar fi intamplat lucrurile in alta parte. Toti stim ca Japonia e cunoscuta pentru artele si frumusetile ei si cumva aceasta carte a exprimat-o perfect. Plus ca autoarea foloseste cuvinte sau expresii in japoneza care coloreaza si mai mult povestea; si chiar mi-au placut. Iar daca vrei sa prindeti putina japoneza atunci romanul e de ajutor, aveti la sfarsit chiar si un mic dictionar ce cuprinde expresiile si cuvintele in japoneza cu traducerea/explicatia in engleza.
N-am de gand sa povestesc ce s-a intamplat in carte, insa merita citita si povestea are potential. Si chiar daca descrierea vi se pare ca nu suna chiar asa puternic si pare doar o poveste de iubire si putin fantastic, eu zic sa incercati. Pentru ca e mult mai buna, mai expresiva si mai plina de frmusete decat descrierea. Iar personajele nu fac decat s-o imbunatateasca. Atat Katie cat si Tomohiro sunt doua caractere foarte puternice si totusi foarte blande, iubitoare de frumos si arta, iar autoarea i-a creionat foarte bine. Mi-a placut ca a reusit sa-i surprinda in mai multe situatii si astfel am putut observa cum emotiile si ideile lor se schimba pe parcursul cartii.
Daca vreti o lectura originala, unica, exotica si care va ramane in minte, atunci incercati-o pe aceasta. Eu abia astept sa ma apuc de volumul doi si apoi o sa stau in pom pana apare al treilea, la anul. Lectura placuta!
1 comentarii:
Wow, ce bine suna cartea asta!! O pun si eu pe lista mea TBR. Mersi mult ca ne-ai facut-o cunoscuta! ;)
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