Cassandra Clare a anuntat astazi ca titlul noii sale trilogii cu Shadowhunteri a fost facut public, dar o multime din fanii sai au fost incantati sa auda de trilogia ce urmeaza dupa The Dark Artifices.
The Last Hour este preluata din Great Expectations and Clares spune ca va fi despre despre familia intermediara a lui Will, Tessa si Jem:
You have been in every line I have ever read, since I first came here, the rough common boy whose poor heart you wounded even then. You have been in every prospect I have ever seen since — on the river, on the sails of the ships, on the marshes, in the clouds, in the light, in the darkness, in the wind, in the woods, in the sea, in the streets. You have been the embodiment of every graceful fancy that my mind has ever become acquainted with. The stones of which the strongest London buildings are made, are not more real, or more impossible to be displaced by your hands, than your presence and influence have been to me, there and everywhere, and will be. Estella, to the last hours of my life, you cannot choose but remain part of my character, part of the little good in me, part of the evil. —Great Expectations, Charles Dickens
Cassandra Clare ne ofera si putin din synopsis:
"De cand Lucie Herondale isi poate aduce aminte, conacul familiei Herondale a fost supus conacului familiei Blackthorns. Este foarte rau ca Tatiana Blackthorn, capul familiei Blackthorn, a fost mereu, asa cum tatal lui Will Herondale spune, "nervoasa ca un soarece prins intr-un ceainic". Din ziua in care tatal ei Benedict l-a ucis pe sotul Tatianei, si el a fost ucis de un grup de Shadowhunteri ce-i includea si pe fratii ei, Tatiana a fost cuprinsa de o dusmanie crescanda fata de Institutului din Londra si fata de toti locuitorii lui, in special Will, Tessa si copii lor: Lucie si fratele ei, James..."
Si una din cele mai importante parti din anunt este faptul ca au fost dezvaluite titlurile celor trei volume: Chain of Thorns, Chain of Gold si Chain of Iron. Cassandra a spus si "Cartile se vor interconecta cu The Dark Artifices si povestile familiilor Blackthorns, Herondale si Carstairs, la fel ca TMI si The Infernal Devices".
“Imagine one selected day struck out of it, and think how different its course would have been. Pause you who read this, and think for a moment of the long chain of iron or gold, of thorns or flowers, that would never have bound you, but for the formation of the first link on one memorable day.” — Great Expectations
Datele de publicare nu au fost inca stabilite. Totusi primul volum din The Dark Artifices, Lady Midnight, va fi publicat in cativa ani.
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