luni, 29 septembrie 2014

Stacking The Shelves #7

Stacking The Shelves is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!
If you want to find out more about Stacking The Shelves, please visit the official launch page!


Hey, lovely readers! : )

Last week I said that I went a little crazy with the book buying, so this week I tried to buy less. Let's see what I got:

I bought:

For review:

So, that's from me for now. What have you bought/won or received?

sâmbătă, 27 septembrie 2014

REVIEW - Love and Other Unknown Variables by Shannon Lee Alexander


Charlie Hanson has a clear vision of his future. A senior at Brighton School of Mathematics and Science, he knows he’ll graduate, go to MIT, and inevitably discover solutions to the universe’s greatest unanswered questions. He’s that smart. But Charlie’s future blurs the moment he reaches out to touch the tattoo on a beautiful girl’s neck.

The future has never seemed very kind to Charlotte Finch, so she’s counting on the present. She’s not impressed by the strange boy at the donut shop—until she learns he’s a student at Brighton where her sister has just taken a job as the English teacher. With her encouragement, Charlie orchestrates the most effective prank campaign in Brighton history. But, in doing so, he puts his own future in jeopardy.

By the time he learns she's ill—and that the pranks were a way to distract Ms. Finch from Charlotte’s illness—Charlotte’s gravitational pull is too great to overcome. Soon he must choose between the familiar formulas he’s always relied on or the girl he’s falling for (at far more than 32 feet per second squared).


I should say that the first thing that caught my eye was the cute, bright and interesting cover. Then I read the synopsis and I knew that this book is for me and I have to read it. So I did. 

Love and Other Unknown Variables is a novel that will play with your feelings, that will make you happy and sad, you'll laugh and you'll feel that your heart was shattered...and then the pieces are glued together. I can't say that this is a fluffy, cute and light read, because it has some serious part too. Is more that kind of novel that makes you think and look better and closer at things and people. Not every thing that is cute and colorful outside is rainbowy inside. Or maybe outside is dark and ugly but inside is warm and colorful. And people too.

I really liked how the plot developed and how everything started to make sense, bit by bit, with every chapter. The characters are beautiful, with complexe personalities and each one is so special and different from the other, but in the same time they're so alike. Charlie and Charlotte are two people that are trying to figure out life and make friends and have fun, and fall in love, even if the life is not so good or they have issues. I liked how their relathionship grew through the novel and I'm happy that they had such cute and funny moments together.

So, I'll end here, because if I talk more I'm afraid I'll spoil something and I don't want that to happen. But if you're looking for a cute, fluffy and funny read, but also with a deep and realistic part, and with cute characters then try this. I'm sure you'll enjoy it! : )


!Received through NetGalley!

REVIEW - The Hit (The Unknown Assassin #1) by Allen Zadoff


Boy Nobody is the perennial new kid in school, the one few notice and nobody thinks much about. He shows up in a new high school, in a new town, under a new name, makes few friends and doesn't stay long. Just long enough for someone in his new friend's family to die -- of "natural causes." Mission accomplished, Boy Nobody disappears, and moves on to the next target.

When his own parents died of not-so-natural causes at the age of eleven, Boy Nobody found himself under the control of The Program, a shadowy government organization that uses brainwashed kids as counter-espionage operatives. But somewhere, deep inside Boy Nobody, is somebody: the boy he once was, the boy who wants normal things (like a real home, his parents back), a boy who wants out. And he just might want those things badly enough to sabotage The Program's next mission.


This book was a total rollercoaster and I flew through it. There is no time to relax because everytime something is going on or is planned to happen, and you can feel the adrenaline and the tension. 

Even this novel is part of a series I think that you can read it as a stand-alone because if you don't mind the ending that leaves a little bit of space for a sequel, then is no other thing that can bothers you. The Hit is a mystery/thriller full of action and suspense, with a smart, witty and strong character that is like a computer. He can do everything, he knows a lot of stuff, he can kill with anything and nothing and he can hide, standing right in front of you.

I don't want to share too much, because I went into this book kind of blind and I really enjoyed it. I think that you should do that too, because is so thrilling and exciting to find answers along with the character. For me this was a great book, in some moments I was so confused because I didn't knew how is going to end and what's gonna happen and who were all those guys. 

This book is not for a calm and fluffy time or because you want to read a few chapters. No, this is a book that you read in one sitting, you devour each chapter wanting more and more and being so caught in the story you don't even know when the end is coming. So, if you're searching for an action packed, suspenful read then I highly recommend you to pick this up.


!Received through NetGalley!

joi, 25 septembrie 2014

Reading pressure, Reading slump - Why I do this to me?


Eram in dubii daca sa vorbesc de aceste lucruri sau nu, dar in ultima vreme m-am tot lovit de ele, personal, dar am si tot auzit diversi bloggeri si booktuberi pomenindu-le. Asa ca, mi-am zis de ce nu. 

Ca bookblogger citesc foarte mult (si-mi place) si mai ales vreau sa postez recenzii, ca sa spun si altora daca mi-a placut o carte sau nu. Daca e o noua aparitie atunci cu atat mai bine sau daca e-n curs de aparitie. Acum care-i "problema". Dupa cum ati vazut pe blog incerc sa ma intind (uneori mai mult decat ma tine coarda) si sa postez si-n romana si-n engleza, si despre aparitii de la noi, dar si din afara. 

Cat de cat cred ca-mi iese. Insa, nu e asa de usor. Pentru ca atat la noi in tara cat si-n afara apar o multime de carti si ca orice blogger vreau sa citesc acele carti cat mai repede. Doar ca pe langa faptul ca-s multe si unele apar si-n acelasi timp, trebuie sa ma gandesc si la cartile ce le am deja. Poate de foarte mult timp sau acelea pe care le-am cumparat si inca nu le-am atins. Deci cu un tbr care cade pe mine, cu multe carti cumparate si cu tone de aparitii noi sa incerci sa tii pasul e cam greu. Sau ar trebui sa devin cititor cu norma intreaga, sa tai din orele de somn si sa ma inchid in casa :))

Acum lasand gluma la o parte, pentru c-am si glumit putin, fiind bookblogger si dorind sa postezi recenzii constant sau cat mai des pune deja putina presiune pe tine. Pentru ca sunt zile sau saptamani in care n-ai avea chef de citit, ci preferi sa vezi un film sau sa vezi un serial cap-coada, sa umbli aiurea pe net sau sa te joci pe facebook si sa te enervezi ca nu treci level-ul. Insa fiind bookblogger nu vrei sa lasi blogul pustiu (fara recenzii si nu doar cu noutati si etc) si cumva te fortezi putin sa postezi o recenzie macar o data pe saptamana. Plus ca fiecare avem o viata si mergem la job sau la facultate sau la liceu etc. 

Cumva a fi bookblogger, daca o iei la modul serios (cumva profesional) e ca un job. Acum ca esti platit (in carti, comentarii etc) e treaba ta. Iar jobul asta consta in a citi cat mai mult, a posta recenzii, a fi la curent cu tot ce misca in domeniul cartilor si asa mai departe. Nu vreau sa fac sa sune a corvoada sau obligatie, pentru ca iubesc blogul asta, iubesc sa citesc si sa postez recenzii si alte chestii, doar ca sunt si perioade in care as fugi departe si nu m-as uita in urma. Dar apoi mi se face dor si ma uit cata munca am bagat in el.

Cam asta e cu presiunea. Vrand sa postezi constant recenzii, sa citesti cat mai mult, sa tii pasul cu aparitiile, sa scazi din lista tbr cumva impingi lucrurile mai mult decat trebuie. Uneori e interesant si te incanta sa-ti testezi limitele, iar alteori ti-ai scoate ochii. Acum sa vorbim de reading slump sau am chef sa citesc, dar nu stiu ce sau as face orice altceva decat sa citesc. De fiecare data cand am avut zile de genul sau saptamani am trecut prin diferite stari sau stadii: 1. m-am enervat pentru ca aveam foarte multe de citit si numai aia imi trebuia atunci 2. m-am resemnat ca voi avea o luna varza din punct de vedere al lecturii 3. ma uitam cu jind la carti, gandindu-ma cum ar fi sa le citesc, dar stand degeaba. Si tot asa.

Aceste reading slumps apar din cauza stresului, a plictiselii, poate esti bolnav, din cauza presiunii, poate ai citit cartea gresita si s-a dus cheful. 

O sa inchei discutia aici, pentru ca deja am scris foarte mult si nu vreau sa faceti voi vreun blocaj cand veti vedea cat e de mare, chiar daca ar mai fi de zis. Insa as mai adauga ceva. Cumva ca bookblogger, dar si ca cititori tindem sa ne dorim mult prea mult. Ma uit la mine, in clipa asta, si am o multime de carti pentru review si pentru recenzie, unele pe care le-am cumparat si primit de ziua mea, vesnicele carti ce zac pe raft de cine stie cand, sute de carti in format e-book. Cand le voi citi nu stiu, dar psihic (si am si-un creier competitiv) vreau sa le citesc acum pe toate, ceea ce-i imposibil.

Voi cum sunteti - cititi mult sau putin? Sunteti cititori de ocazie sau bookbloggeri? Vreti sa cititi cat mai mult si acum sau o luati incet? Astept comentariile voastre si sper sa va placa discutia si tot ce-am spus eu. Iar eu poate ma invat minte (pentru ca nu-i prima data cand patesc asa) si nu mai strang atatea chestii de citit care trag de mine.

REVIEW - Siege and Storm (The Grisha #2) by Leigh Bardugo


Hunted across the True Sea, haunted by the lives she took on the Fold, Alina must try to make a life with Mal in an unfamiliar land. She finds starting new is not easy while keeping her identity as the Sun Summoner a secret. She can’t outrun her past or her destiny for long.

The Darkling has emerged from the Shadow Fold with a terrifying new power and a dangerous plan that will test the very boundaries of the natural world. With the help of a notorious privateer, Alina returns to the country she abandoned, determined to fight the forces gathering against Ravka. But as her power grows, Alina slips deeper into the Darkling’s game of forbidden magic, and farther away from Mal. Somehow, she will have to choose between her country, her power, and the love she always thought would guide her--or risk losing everything to the oncoming storm.


I had a small problem at the beggining, with this book, because I was reading and couldn't get into the story. The first chapters are told in a way that for me was confuse and I felt like I was thrown away and not pushed into the novel. But I took a little break, a few minutes, and then tried again. And it was better.

I won't talk about what's happening, because is the second book, and reading now the synopsis I see how much gaves away. I, personally, haven't read it before I started reading; I preffer to find out with the characters at the right moment.

I'm happy that new characters are brought and the old ones are present too; from the new ones I liked Nikolay. He has a complex character and he's so witty. He can change things, as he wants, and tries to solve things with words before starting a fight. This is an art too - to achieve your goal, making the other to think that he'll win, but he's gonna lose. Plus, it was very interesting, through the story, to find out more and more about him, and I can say that he has a ginormous life. The most irritating character was Mal. Let's say that sometimes I understand him, but not so much. He just want to have a simple and happy life and if it's possible that Alina stays with him. 

Well, it's not working, because now she has a lot on her head. And you're not a bit egoist forcing her to leave the world that she's from? I mean, yeah, Alina has bad moments too, but she tries to be good to everyone, to help them, she tries to change, to learn more and become stronger, to be able to fight. So, I don't get it, why are you upset. That she has no time to stay with you talking a lot and that you are saying that she changed... well, excuse me, but with responsability and going to war, people change.

Even if I like Alina and Nikolay, I can't say that I gave up to my love for the Darkling and somehow I was happy when he appeared. He is bad and crazy but he's not charming? Or am I the only one that thinks he's hot?:))

I end this review saying that I liked this book, is different comparing it to the first one, because it has more fights, intrigues, strategies, running, defense and many other things; and I can't wait to read the last one. And to find out who's gonna die and who's gonna live and how the story ends. And if you haven't started this trilogy, then I'm sorry for you, but you're losing all the fun.


miercuri, 24 septembrie 2014

RECENZIE - Regatul furtunilor (Grisha #2) de Leigh Bardugo


Intunecatul, conducatorul Grishei, a supravietuit bataliei din Falia Umbrei si reapare cu o putere inzecita si un plan diabolic. Cu ajutorul lui Sturmhond, un corsar faimos, Alina Starkov se intoarce in tara pe care a parasit-o, hotarata sa lupte cu fortele ce ameninta Ravka.

 Dar pe masura ce puterea ei creste, se vede prinsa tot mai mult in jocul de magie interzisa al Intunecatului, ce o indeparteaza de Mal. Alina trebuie sa aleaga intre tara ei, puterea pe care o are si dragostea pentru Mal - altfel risca sa piarda totul in fata asaltului iminent.


Am avut ceva probleme la inceput, cu volumul asta, pentru ca citeam si nu puteam intra in poveste. Primele capitole sunt spuse si-ntr-un fel ce mie mi s-a parut confuz si parca ma dadeau afara in loc sa ma invite inauntru. Insa dupa ce-am luat o mica pauza de cateva minute si am tras aer in piept, aruncandu-ma cu capul inainte, a fost mai bine. 

Nu vorbesc despre ce se intampla, pentru ca-i volumul doi si citind acum descrierea realizez cate spoilere ofera. Eu personal n-am citit descrierea inainte sa incep cartea; prefer sa aflu totul odata cu personajele. 

Ma bucur ca apar personaje noi, dar sunt pastrate si cele vechi; cel mai mult din cele noi imi place Nikolai. Are un caracter complex si e foarte alunecos. Reuseste sa se schimbe dupa bunul plac si incearca sa rezolve din vorbe inainte sa sara la bataie. E o arta si asta - sa reusesti sa-ti atingi scopul, facandu-l pe celalalt sa creada ca va castiga, dar sa-ti tragi tie mai mult. Plus c-a fost foarte interesant, de-a lungul povestii, sa aflam cat mai mult despre el, si pot spune ca a avut o viata tare imbelsugata. Cel mai enervant personaj mi s-a parut Mal. Uneori sa zicem ca-l inteleg, dar de cele mai multe ori nu. El vrea pur si simplu sa aiba o viata simpla si fericita si daca se poate Alina sa stea dupa el.

Pai, nu prea merge, ca ea momentan are o multime de chestii in carca. Si nu esti un pic cam egoist fortand-o sa plece din lumea in care apartine? Chit ca Alina a avut si ea momente mai proaste, dar incearca sa-i multumeasca pe toti, sa ajute cat poate, incearca sa evolueze, sa invete si sa devina cat mai puternica, pentru a putea riposta. Asa ca, nu inteleg de ce te-ai plange. Ca nu mai are mereu timp sa stea cu tine la povesti si ca-i reprosezi ca nu mai e ca inainte...pai scuza-ma, odata cu responsabilitatile si intrarea in razboi, se mai schimba si omul. 

Desi-mi plac Alina si Nikolai, n-as zice c-am renuntat la iubirea mea pentru Intunecat si intr-un fel ciudat ma bucuram cand isi facea aparitia. O fi el malefic si deranjat, dar nu poti sa zici ca n-are farmec, nu? Sau sunt singura care-l gaseste atractiv?:)) 

Inchei recenzia spunandu-va ca acest volum mi-a placut, diferit de primul, pentru ca e mult mai plin de lupte, intrigi, strategii, fuga, defensiva si alte lucruri, si ca abia astept sa-l citesc pe ultimul. Si sa aflu cine moare, cine scapa si cum se termina povestea. Iar daca inca n-ati inceput trilogia, imi pare rau de voi, pentru ca pierdeti toata distractia.


Waiting On Wednesday - Talon (Talon #1) by Julie Kagawa

"Waiting On" Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted here, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.


Long ago, dragons were hunted to near extinction by the Order of St. George, a legendary society of dragon slayers. Hiding in human form and growing their numbers in secret, the dragons of Talon have become strong and cunning, and they're positioned to take over the world with humans none the wiser.

Ember and Dante Hill are the only sister and brother known to dragonkind. Trained to infiltrate society, Ember wants to live the teen experience and enjoy a summer of freedom before taking her destined place in Talon. But destiny is a matter of perspective, and a rogue dragon will soon challenge everything Ember has been taught. As Ember struggles to accept her future, she and her brother are hunted by the Order of St. George.

Soldier Garret Xavier Sebastian has a mission to seek and destroy all dragons, and Talon's newest recruits in particular. But he cannot kill unless he is certain he has found his prey: and nothing is certain about Ember Hill. Faced with Ember's bravery, confidence and all-too-human desires, Garret begins to question everything that the Order has ingrained in him: and what he might be willing to give up to find the truth about dragons.

What's your pick? : )

WWW Wednesdays

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…

• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?

What are you currently reading?  
At this moment I've nothing started, because I can't decide which one I want.

What did you recently finish reading?
I finished Silent Guilt (Silent, #2) by N.E. Henderson.  

What do you think you’ll read next? 
Maybe 'Siege and storm' by Leigh Bardugo or 'These Broken Stars' or some books from my review pile.

What are your choices for this week's WWW? : )

REVIEW - Silent No More (Silent #1) by N.E. Henderson


Shannon Taylor thinks she has the picture perfect life. Engaged to marry her college boyfriend and a best friend who’s more like a sister, life is almost perfect. That is until her world is tilted by two of the most important people in her life. A chance encounter leads Shannon down a path that will force her to confront a past she has meticulously ignored for ten years.

Nicholas Lockhart, renowned bachelor, has a reputation for his cold eyes and icy heart. Meeting a woman who can turn his world upside down is not in the cards; that is until Shannon. When Shannon's world crashes, she wonders if it's possible to crack Nick's icy heart. A web of lies and twisted truths soon leaves both bare and vulnerable.

Silence no longer offers her protection or safety. Will remaining silent cost Shannon the real love she's finally found? Or will she stay silent no more?


To be honest I have mixed feelings about this book, because I loved and really enjoyed the story but I had a huge problem with the characters. 

The story on its own is enjoyable, there are some twist and turns that I didn't expect, it had romance too, some hot scenes. It's nothing amazing or deep, or something like that but is not bad either. But the characters weren't my piece of cake. Nick is the most iritating, angry and selfish man I've ever met in a book; and I've read a ton of NA and Adult books.

He's so selfish from the beginning when he commands Shannon like a kid: do that, go there, undress, kiss me, move to my house. Like what the hell are you doing? I understand that you like her and you want to spend more time with her and you want to help her but can you stop moving her to your house just because you want and she thinks she wants? Can you stop fumbling through her stuff and move it around and tell her what to wear and eat and so on? He pissed me off so much and now I want to punch him so hard. Because he puts his desires and emotions and ego a lot higher than his relationship with Shannon. 

But let me say that Shannon is stupid too. Maybe stupid is a huge word but I don't have another in mind now. She just escaped from a relationship with Luke that is a iritating person and a man that makes me want to punch him and throws herself in the arms of Nick. I've nothing to say that is a bad thing, yeah, she's a grown up woman and if she wants to have sex with a man that she likes, then who I'm to say no? But when she sees that Nick says to her to do that, to wear that, when he's angry from nothing and almost hurt her and she doesn't do anything...even when she thinks that is weird and a control freak she doesn't do anything. Or when she says to him all this stuff he tells her sweet words and then they have sex...and puff the problem is put aside. I hate women who don't have a spine or a brain to use. You can't stay with a man that tends to control everything about you after you already lived with Luke, you can forgive everything that he does even if is wrong and you know it. And why you do that? Because you like him and you think he's hot? Because you like the sex? Really?!

But let's end this because if I'd have this characters near me now I'll beat them both. Somehow they deserve each other, because they have huge flaws, Nick is a control freak and an obsessed, and Shannon accepts that and kinda love that. So... whatever. I'll read the next book? Yeah, because I want to know what'll happen. But I still don't like the characters.

Even if I had a ginormous problem with the characters I enjoyed the story and you can check it out. Maybe you'll like them, who knows?


!Received for review!

marți, 23 septembrie 2014

Top Ten Tuesday - Top Ten Books On My Fall TBR List

For future Top Ten Tuesday topics & info on how to participate, click here!

Hey, lovely readers! : )

As you can see from the title I have to name ten books that are on my fall tbr. Is not easy because I have so many books that I want to read and I can't decide. So I'll pick ten books that are coming out, or came out this year and I'm expecting them with my arms open. I tried to pick ten books that are coming out and are not so popular, if I can say it like that, and with this ocasion I find out more about them.




So, this are my picks. I hope you'll find one or more to add to your fall tbr and I wish you happy reading! : )

luni, 22 septembrie 2014

REVIEW - Scratch by Rhonda Helms


In her DJ booth at a Cleveland dance club, Casey feels a sense of connection that's the closest she ever gets to normal. On her college campus, she's reserved, practical-all too aware of the disaster that can result when you trust the wrong person. But inexplicably, Daniel refuses to pay attention to the walls she's put up. Like Casey, he's a senior. In every other way, he's her opposite.

Sexy, open, effortlessly charming, Daniel is willing to take chances and show his feelings. For some reason Casey can't fathom, he's intent on drawing her out of her bubble and back into a world that's messy and unpredictable. He doesn't know about the deep scars that pucker her stomach - or the deeper secret behind them. Since the violent night when everything changed, Casey has never let anyone get close enough to hurt her again. Now, she might be tempted to try.


I haven't read from this author before and I didn't knew what to expect. Sometimes I try not to have huge expectations because it happened to me that even the cover is pretty and the synopsis is good the book sucked.

This novel was very good, not intense but there were some deep parts, a lot of emotions and feelings, the characters seemed real and I could sympathize with them. I liked that it was written simple, naturaly, but it had a lot of emotions, different types, and some were so raw. Not so many books discuss serious stuff and in a serious way, and this one did this, kind of. It wasn't perfect and I can't say that I'm in love with it but I really enjoyed it and compared with my low expectations it was amazing.

I won't talk about the plot or what's going on - if you want to find out that pick up the book and read it. But I can say that I like that everything that was brought in the book was discussed, used and thought. Nothing is left behind, each action and character has a role and near the end you can see the things mixing and completting each other. In the last period I had and I'm still having a problem with NA novels because they seem fake and written stereotypicaly. Well, this wasn't, kind of. It had some typical cliches, but the 'deep' part saved it. The huge package of emotions, the good and needed dialogue and the characters saved this book and took it out from the crowd.

If I'll talk about the characters I'll say that I liked them both. Daniel had good and bad parts and Casey too. Daniel did a thing that bothered Casey and me a little bit but I understood why he done it. But... no one is perfect. They are both nice people, I liked how they talked and what they talked, how their relathionship grew, and how they changed throughout the story. 

What bothered me a little about this book was the ending. Maybe if it was a little bit longer, like a chapter more. I mean, after the huge 'discussion' and problem resolved the book ended. Meh...I'm not a huge fan of this endings.

So, if you want a New Adult based more on feelings, emotions, deep stuff, than sex and parties then you can try this. I recommend this to everyone.


!Recieved through NetGalley!

REVIEW - Pride of Love by Kevin Dwyer


Twenty-five-year-old Jesse Coleman endures a heinous act on him. After the case is dropped, his mother, Claire, accedes to his request to move. Leaving behind his old life, he is left with a disturbing scar on his back. 

Hopelessness comes in on him and he takes off the bracelet that he has worn his whole life, which means something to him. Looking for a new beginning, Jesse who dresses differently meets Jaden who dresses like a outcast and the two fall in love with each other.

 With love from their mothers and good friend Liz, they try to bury their pasts behind.


I asked for this because I enjoy love of all kinds, for me doesn't matter if you're straight or gay. If you're happy and you're confortable with yourself then I've no problem with who you love.

But this wasn't what I was expecting. I mean the idea was there but it wasn't well developed; the book was more like a summary, everything happened so fast, the characters are just sketched, sometimes you don't know where they are or who is speaking. In some parts the dialogue is not separated from the naration and you just have blocks of text, phrases going with no end. And there were clauses repeating over and over; like in a paragraf was 'the young man' used four or five times  one after another. 

This for me is lack of interest for the book from the author and the beta or who edited this, if it was edited. I don;t want to be harsh but how I can enjoy a book if is not edited properly? Sometimes I wanted more description or emotions, a dialogue more complex and not just "Ok", "I'm fine", "Leave me alone". 

The idea of this books is good and interesting but it was written so bad. In a point I wanted to stop but I thought I should finish it because it's short. If the story is not good at least the reader won't finish the book angry because of the editing or lack of it. Because I'm pissed for that. 

I'd recommend this just for the idea, not for the simplistic characters like cartoons or the lack of description and the thin narration. 


!Received through NetGalley!

duminică, 21 septembrie 2014

#TackleTBR Read-a-thon - Wrap-Up

Hey, lovely readers! :) 
How are you today? Are you having an awesome weekend? 

I'm glad that I participated in the #TackleTBR Read-a-thon, but I'm a little bit dissapointed and sad because I haven't read as much as I wanted. Why? Well, in the first few days my internet broke and a week passed until it was fixed. So my mood was down and after that I had so many things to do, that reading became the last thing on my priority list.

But I should stop blabbering and show you what I managed to read:

So, this is what I've read. I don't know what is with my reading in the last two weeks or so but I'm kinda slumpy or I start a book and then I get bored... I hope it's get better because I kinda failing at the Septeber is for sequels too. 

What you've read? Let me know in the comments.