sâmbătă, 30 august 2014

The Elements Book Cover Tag


Tag-ul de azi a fost creat de MsVeeBooks si o sa avem treaba cu niste coperti.


- gaseste o carte cu apa pe ea
- o coperta albastra



- o carte cu foc pe coperta
- o carte rosie/portocalie



- o coperta cu ceva legat de pamant si natura
- o coperta verde



- o coperta cu aer/vant pe ea
- o coperta alba



o coperta cu albastru, rosu/portocaliu, verde si alb

Oricine poate face acest tag. Have fun!

miercuri, 27 august 2014

RECENZIE - Razboiul Z de Max Brooks


Un medic chinez asista la primele cazuri ale unei epidemii inexplicabile, care cuprinde treptat intreaga lume. In mai putin de un an, populatia Americii isi gaseste adapost in lagarele pentru refugiati din Cuba, europenii se baricadeaza in castele medievale, iar Pakistanul abate asupra planetei iarna nucleara...

„Pacientul zero“ al pandemiei apare in China, al carei guvern incearca sa restrictioneze infectia si inventeaza o criza ce implica Taiwanul pentru a-si masca activitatile. Epidemia se raspandeste insa in alte tari prin intermediul comertului cu organe de pe piata neagra si al refugiatilor, inainte ca rabufnirea ei in Africa de Sud sa o aduca in atentia publicului... Peste zece ani, peisajul geopolitic al planetei este transformat pentru totdeauna.

„Omenirea s-a clatinat in pragul extinctiei...“


Inainte sa incep sa vorbesc despre carte vreau sa spun trei lucruri. Primul ar fi ca ideea mi s-a parut interesanta, adica Pamantul ocupat de zombie si toate incercarile de supravietuire, daca am scapa, cum ne-am descurca etc. Al doilea ar fi ca, am auzit doar pareri bune si cumva am fost de acord cu ele, dar altcumva ma intreb daca n-am fost orb. Si al treilea, pe care-l explic mai incolo e ca am urat felul in care a fost scrisa.

De obicei imi plac foarte mult cartile despre razboi, lupte, strategii, supravietuire si alte chestii asemanatoare, dar asta a fost diferita. Pentru ca lumea se lupta cu zombie, ceva nu tocmai normal, mai are de-a face si cu inapoierea ca sa zic asa, adica nu mai ai masini, curent, tehnologie si te intorci in istorie. Plus ca acum lupta toti, nu doar armata, marina si cine mai e priceput la asta, acum toti se implica si incearca sa nu moara.

Mi-au placut extrem de tare confruntarile si descrierile lor; autorul le-a acordat atentie si mi-a placut ce a iesit. Cred ca astea au fost partea mea favorita din toata cartea, ca deh, cine nu vrea putina actiune dupa atata vorbarie si amintiri si tratate de medicina si alte tampenii? Eu sigur vreau. 

Spuneam mai devreme ca nu-mi place cum a fost scrisa cartea. Stiam ca nu e naratiune simpla si ca sunt mai mult perspective, dar cand treci de cinci, zece si mai scrii si sub forma de interviu, si zap zap de la unul la altul...pai scuza-ma, dar mintea mea nu poate sa tina pasul si sa se mute de la medicul din SUA, la soldatul din Cuba, apoi la tipul din submarin de prin China. Nu zic ca nu mi-a placut faptul ca autorul a bagat in oala toate tarile si a prezentat cum s-a descurcat fiecare si prin ce-a trecut, dar daca ar fi facut-o in alt fel, nu asa de impartit si trunchiat poate ar fi fost mai bine. Pentru mine ar fi fost.

Cartea per total a fost interesanta, cumva e plauzibila si sper sa nu se intample prea curand. Chiar au fost momente cand m-au trecut fiorii in timp ce citeam, pentru ca puteam vedea totul asa de viu si nu e deloc placut. Cred ca daca esti iubitor de SF sau chestii cu zombie sau apocaliptice o sa-ti placa. Sau daca citesti romane de razboi si vrei ceva mai diferit. Pentru mine a fost ceva bun citit, dar n-as recomanda tuturor.


Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon! #TackleTBR

Hello, lovely readers! : )

Even if I participate in September is for sequels I want to participate in this too. What is about. Let me quote this part:
The Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon begins Monday, September 8th and ends Saturday, September 20th. You do not have to be a blogger to sign up. Just use your Goodreads, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, or Tumblr instead (the place you're going to post updates on). You just need to be able to leave a link. For signing up, you should create a sign-up post and use that as your link (the URL feild) you'll use in the linky below.
 More information you'll find HERE so click it!!!

What am I going to read? Well,I'll include all the books that are on the September is for sequels TBR and some review books received through NetGalley, that I'll post below. I don't know if I'll read some before the read-a-thon starts or they will be all included, but we'll see. So, here they are:

So, I plan a lot of reading and I hope to acomplish at least half of it. Because really I want to read them all. If you want to follow me on goodreads this is my account Crina @Reading Addict . What are you planning on reading? Are you participating in this or in September is for sequels?

Happy reading, guys! : )

Sweet Montana Bride Series Sale!

Looking to rope yourself some Labor Day reads? Well saddle up, 'cuz the entire Sweet Montana Bride series is on sale at last. We've got Reese's Cowboy Kiss, Jade's Cowboy Crush, and Cassie's Cowboy Crave.
Three sweet and steamy clean romance novels complete with cowboys, romance, and happily ever afters. Featuring the witness protection program - rancher style, these ebooks sale for $3.99 a piece, but this week you can snag 'em for just .99 cents each on Amazon.

Here's a bit about each book just to whet your appetite. Happy romance reading!

Texan pageant winner, Reese Taylor, has a former classmate who wants her dead. Now she must leave her friends and family to enter a protection program on Emerson Ranch. A group of good-looking cowboys awaits her, but Reese has her eye on Blake Emerson, the one man too busy with the ranch to give her a chance. 

Blake Emerson has no time to go lookin’ for love. He’s got a ranch to run, positions to fill, and an ache in his heart from love gone wrong. So when he agrees to harbor a witness to help on the ranch, Blake assumes his first two problems are solved. But he never dreamed his new guest would be a woman. One he was destined to lose his heart to. 

With sparks burning hot and danger around the bend, one question lingers in his mind: Has he only added to his list of troubles, or has Blake just found the woman of his dreams?

* Though this novel is considered clean romance, it does contain passionate kissing and a few minor curse words. *

Single mother, Jade Miller, has just witnessed a murder. Now, set to testify against the cold-blooded killer, Jade must be placed under protection. While she is grateful to the kind folks who’ve offered to take in her and her son, Jade is surprised to find the man escorting them from L.A. to Montana is Gavin Emerson. A womanizing, far-too-attractive-for-his-own-good, rebel cowboy. Jade assures Gavin that she has sworn off men until her son is grown, but all too soon she finds herself fighting back feelings for the man who’s agreed to care for them.

Gavin wants nothing to do with ranch life. Not since the ugly fallout he had with his father over eight years ago. But when he agrees to come back, harboring Jade and her son for a time, Gavin falls in love with life on the land once again. Above that, he finds his heart has been captured by his lovely house guest, Jade Miller. 

After reservations on both parts, the two are finally ready to open up and give their new-found love a try. Only they aren’t in the clear just yet, and as a dark and deadly threat falls upon them, Gavin finds that his bad-boy past may have led the danger right to their door. 
*Though this novel is considered clean romance, it contains passionate kissing & a few mild curse words.*

Twenty-four-year-old Cassie Lovell has a great job, good friends, and an apartment with a killer view. That is, until life is turned upside down. Without the chance to say goodbye, Cassie is forced into a witness protection program on Emerson Ranch. Just when she fears life is doomed, Cassie meets Shane Emerson, the stunningly handsome cowboy who’ll be posing as her newlywed groom.
Shane Emerson is determined not to fall for the woman he’s agreed to harbor. Especially since the whole thing was his family’s way of trying to get him hitched. So why is it when he takes Cassie into his home, Shane wants nothing more than to turn their make-believe marriage into more than just a sham?
In a moment of weakness, Shane steals a kiss.
In return, Cassie steals his heart.
Yet before they confess their undying love,
a hidden danger threatens to tear them apart. 

*Though this novel is considered clean romance, it contains passionate kissing & a few mild curse words.*


Hello, lovely readers! : )

It's time to announce the winner of the CLEAR YOUR SHELF GIVEAWAY HOP. I'm glad that so many of you entered and I'm sorry that I can't give to all of you prizes. But don't be upset, because there will be more giveaways on the blog. And stay tunned because in a few minutes a new, huge, giveaway will take place on our Facebook page. We'll have a full 'box' of e-books, because I want to keep this thing going International and I want to share with you a bit of my gianormous collection.

So without speaking too much the winner is:

Sarah K. send me an e-mail on readding_add@yahoo.com so I can send you the books. You have a week! : )

See you next time guys and I'm waiting for ya on our page with the new giveaway.

Waiting on Wednesday #2 - Ashes to Ashes (Burn for Burn #3) by Jenny Han & Siobhan Vivian

Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted over at Breaking The Spine, thatspotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

New Year's Eve ended with a bang and Mary, Kat and Lillia may not be prepared for what is to come.

After Rennie's death, Kat and Lillia try to put the pieces together of what happened to her. They both blame themselves. If Lillia hadn't left with Reeve... If Kat had only stayed with Rennie... Things could have been different. Now they will never be the same.

Only Mary knows the truth about that night. About what she is. She also knows the truth about Lillia and Reeve falling in love, about Reeve being happy when all he deserves is misery, just like the misery he caused her. Now their childish attempts at revenge are a thing of the past and Mary is out for blood. Will she leave anything in her wake or will all that remain be ashes?

What are you waiting? : )

marți, 26 august 2014

ANIHILARE de Jeff VanderMeer - Nou la TREI

Zona X: universul straniu dintre uman şi non-uman, plin de mistere şi indicii de neînţeles, un loc pentru toţi cei fascinaţi de Picnic la marginea drumului al fraţilor Strugaţki sau de serialul TV Lost. Povestea celei de-a douăsprezecea expediţii ştiinţifice într-o regiune interzisă accesului oamenilor.

„O mixtură minunat de stranie de horror şi science-fiction… Un roman fascinant de ficţiune speculativă." -- Kirkus Reviews

„Într-o manieră similară cu Insula doctorului Moreau de H. G. Wells, VanderMeer ţese o poveste insolită de supranatural şi semiuman." -- Booklist

Jeffrey Scott VanderMeer (n. 1968) este scriitor şi editor american, faimos pentru contribuţiile sale la curentul New Weird. Drepturile de ecranizare pentru Anihilare au fost cumpărate de Paramount Pictures. Premii literare: Cafard Cosmique în Franţa (2007) şi Tähtifantasia în Finlanda (2006), pentru City of Saints; World Fantasy 2000 pentru nuvela The Transformation of Martin Lake; World Fantasy 2003 pentru antologia Leviathan 3; World Fantasy 2012 pentru antologia The Weird; Premiile BSFA şi Locus 2013 pentru cea mai bună carte de nonficţiune, Wonderbook. Traduceri în limba română: Veniss Underground (Ed. Tritonic, 2006), New Weird (Ed. Millennium Books, 2008), Predator (Ed. Millennium Books, 2009).

PRINȚUL SPINILOR de Mark Lawrence - Nou la TREI

Cândva odraslă regală privilegiată, crescută de o mamă iubitoare, Jorg Ancrath a devenit Prinţul Spinilor, un adolescent fermecător şi imoral, care conduce o bandă de proscrişi brutali. Lumea este în haos, violenţa abundă, coşmarurile răsar la fiecare pas. Trecutul dur al lui Jorg l-a făcut să nu se mai teamă de niciun om, fie el viu sau mort. Totuşi mai există ceva care-l înspăimântă… Reîntors la castelul tatălui său pentru a-şi revendica moştenirea, Jorg trebuie să se confrunte cu orori din copilărie şi să-şi croiască viitorul împotriva tuturor.

„Tulburătoare, minunată, haotică, poetică, obsedantă, antrenantă… Credeţi sau nu, toate cuvintele acestea descriu o singură carte: Prinţul Spinilor." -- Booklist

„Sumbru şi implacabil, volumul Prinţul Spinilor vă va atrage în mrejele sale şi vă va înhăţa cu totul. Incredibil…" -- Robin Hobb

Mark Lawrence (n. 1968) este cercetător ştiinţific în domeniul inteligenţei artificiale şi scriitor. Prinţul Spinilor, primul volum din trilogia Imperiul Fărâmiţat, este romanul lui de debut, finalist David Gemmell Morningstar Award şi Prix Imaginales (Roman étranger), tradus în 20 de limbi.

Top Ten Tuesday - Top ten books Crina wants to read but doesn't own yet

For future Top Ten Tuesday topics & info on how to participate, click here!

I really need to pick up just ten? My wishlist is huge like Santa Claus' list :)) But I'm going to try and pick the ones that I will buy right now. I think there's no need to explain why I want them, because they look and sound good, they have just good and amazing reviews and I'm sure I'll enjoy them. There are in no order. And yeah, I know that I've picked up series and no books, but they are books, right? Just in parts:))



Ok, these are mine. What are your top ten books that you want to read but you don't own?

Teaser Tuesdays #2

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers!

I’m painfully aware that she hasn’t uttered a sound. Bad sign, or is she so blown away by my visual magic that she’s at a loss for words?

luni, 25 august 2014

Karina Halle Special Announcement

Choose the adventure! Here's your chance to vote for the destination of Karina Halle's next novel!

Enter this simple poll, and choose one of these three amazing locations: Amalfi Coast, South of France, Prague.

Karina and her assistant will jet to the winning destination for a week-long, interactive adventure, where YOU can participate as they take part in all the fun tourist attractions you've chosen. The entire trip will be captured on video and with photos so you too can relish in this unforgettable experience. 

Cast your vote now!

duminică, 24 august 2014

REVIEW - The Iron Trial (Magisterium #1) by Holly Black & Cassandra Clare

Think you know magic?

Think again.
The Magisterium awaits . . .

Most people would do anything to get into the Magisterium and pass the Iron Trial. Not Callum Hunt. Call has been told his whole life that he should never trust a magician. And so he tries his best to do his worst – but fails at failing. Now he must enter the Magisterium. It's a place that's both sensational and sinister. And Call realizes it has dark ties to his past and a twisty path to his future.

The Iron Trial is just the beginning. Call’s biggest test is still to come . . .


I will start this review by saying that I don't agree with the people that say that this book is like Harry Potter, or that this series kinda just copy the idea and throws in it just other characters. Yeah, there's a magic school, yeah, there's a special guy, BUT here the coppying stops. And let me explain why.

The whole magic system is different, the school and the rules are different, even the tests, the lessons, the background, everything. And I would like that when a new book or series appears the readers stop saying "oh, is like that" or "ah, is nothing original". How do you know? Just because cotains a few common elements? Then keeping that in mind I could say that all the dystopia series are the same, just one story, written by gazillion authors, with different characters and names. Is that right? I don't think so. So, stop labeling a book if you haven't read it, because is no right. And if you don't like it, then don't read it, who cares?

Ok, now that I said what was bothering me, let's go back to our story. To be really honest I enjoyed this book more than I was expecting. Because I knew that it was middlegrade. But it was so good, full of action and suspense and beautiful descriptions, and so many feelings and twists and turns. I think that everyone can read this, despite his age, because is a well written book, with a new approach on magic. It's not like Harry Potter and the whole system of the school is different, as I was saying. I didn't felt all those similarities that people where talking about and I was glad that the book doesn't center around just one character. No, we got to know more about Call and Tamara and Aaron, an their colleagues and the teachers. 

I would keep saying again and again that you should read this book, because it's amazing, fun, gripping, full of action and suspense. There are happening so many things that I didn't felt that it was the first book. It wasn't like other first books when you get bored half way through, because informations and world building intertwine with action and challanges and so much stuff. I really recommend you reading this even if you read or not Harry Potter. And it doesn't matter that you like or not middlegrade because it doesn't feel like one, you could name it YA too. So, keep your eyes on this and when comes out buy it, and read it.


Thanks to NetGalley for offering me the opportunity to read it : )

REVIEW - Floating Boy and the Girl Who Couldn't Fly by Stephen Graham Jones & Paul Tremblay


Mary's life is going fine. Except for being a freshman in high school. And having anxiety attacks. And her dad having no job. 

So, introduce one boy who can fly, kidnap the little brother she's supposed to be babysitting, and drop a military quarantine on her town and that should make her anxiety completely disappear, right? 



I wanted to read this because it sounded interesting, intriguing, different and kind of fun. But I think that I read it kind of late, because I felt that it was for younger audience and for me some parts were childish or kind of plain.

The idea of the book is original and it reminded me of Peter Pan, because of the floating/flying thing and the effect that it had on the others. But even if I liked the idea and the characters were nice, the action and the plot of the story were sometimes all over the place. Things were happening, people were talking, running, flying and screaming but you as a reader were lost. The author(s) don't describe the places really well and with details, so you can imagine them, some things happened so fast and in other parts nothing was happening. 

The characters were ok, no one impressed me especially and I think that was because they, for me, were like fragile sketched, I couldn't feel them. It was like, for the whole book, I was looking at a movie on mute. I guess that if I were younger then maybe I would've sympathized more with them and I would've enjoyed the story. 

I'm upset that I didn't liked it so much because I was so excited for it and for the idea. But it didn't work. If you're a fan of the idea then check it out or if you have younger friends, brothers, other relatives, then give it to them. Maybe they will enjoy it.


I received the book through NetGalley. Thank you so much : )

Showcase Sunday #2

Inspired by Pop Culture Junkie and the Story Siren, the aim of Showcase Sunday is to highlight our newest books or book related swag and to see what everyone else received for review, borrowed from libraries, bought in bookshops and downloaded onto eReaders each week. For more information about how this feature works and how to join in, click here.


For review, from Netgalley:


Thank you, Netgalley, for these cute and interesting books. I can't wait to read them : )

What've you bought/won/received this week? : )

Happy reading!