miercuri, 30 martie 2016

Blog Tour - Adorkable by Cookie O'Gorman - REVIEW

Adorkable by Cookie O'Gorman
Release Date: March 31st 2016


Adorkable (ah-dor-kuh-bul): Descriptive term meaning to be equal parts dorky and adorable. For reference, see Sally Spitz.

Seventeen-year-old Sally Spitz is done with dating. Or at least, she's done with the horrible blind dates/hookups/sneak attacks her matchmaking bestie, Hooker, sets her up on. There's only so much one geek girl and Gryffindor supporter can take.

Her solution: she needs a fake boyfriend. And fast.

Enter Becks, soccer phenom, all-around-hottie, and Sally's best friend practically since birth. When Sally asks Becks to be her F.B.F. (fake boyfriend), Becks is only too happy to be used. He'd do anything for Sal--even if that means giving her PDA lessons in his bedroom, saying she's "more than pretty," and expertly kissing her at parties.

The problem: Sally's been in love with Becks all her life--and he's completely clueless.

This book features two best friends, one special edition Yoda snuggie, countless beneath-the-ear kisses and begs the question:

Who wants a real boyfriend when faking it is so much more fun?

About the Author:

Cookie O'Gorman writes YA romance to give readers a taste of happily-ever-after. Small towns, quirky characters, and the awkward yet beautiful moments in life make up her books. Cookie also has a soft spot for nerds and ninjas. Her debut novel ADORKABLE will be released in 2016.

Author Links:


If you just take a second and think this book is not original, because this idea has been written and used ten thousands times already. But what makes this book original are the writing style, the characters and how the plot remains kind of realistic and credible even though all those cliches are floating around.

After I finished the novel I felt very happy and fuzzy inside, because it's so full of cute moments, funny moments, moments that make you breathe harder or faster, because there are a lot of situations: awkward or lovely or strange, that keep the suspense alive and the rhytm kind of alert. Even though this is a light and fluffy contemporary. But as the days passed this book kept popping in my mind again and again and I started wondering why. Why I keep thinking about it if it was just cute?

Because of the characters that seemed so real and you could have laughed with them during your lunch break or you could have watched a movie with them in your living room. Because they're so funny and you just want to hug them both. Because even though their relationship is cliche, it's built so slowly and normal that it feels right. Because each of them is special and has a great personality and when they are together they make you smile. And because of the writing style. Because it's so vivid and colorful and lovely.

I'd recommend this book to everyone who loves YA, who loved reading light, fluffy and cute contemporaries or as me you just take a break from fantasy or thriller novels. This is like a big piece of cake with layers and layers of chocolate that you want to eat untill you die or you pass out. You've already eaten tons of cakes and this one is kind of the same but at the same time so different. It's the cakest chocolatiest loveliest bookish book possible and you have to read it. Now or on the beach or in summer, in winter, whenever you want. Just try!

Cover Reveal - Bayward Street by Addison Jane - Teasers, Giveaway

Bayward Street by Addison Jane 
Genre: Young Adult Romance/Coming of Age
Cover Design: Kari at Cover to Cover Designs
Models: Garrick Murdie & Sophie Newton
Photographer: Max Ellis 
Release Date: May 19, 2016 


The law said I was a runaway.
I preferred the term survivor.

After being broken down and emotionally tortured for fifteen years, I made a choice to change the path that my life was on. 

It left me alone, homeless and scared, but alive. 
The streets were where I found my family. A group of kids like me who society had failed to protect. 
We weren't teenagers anymore – we were a statistic, a nuisance, the scum on the bottom of the city’s shoe.

When he showed up that night, I never expected to feel the things I did. 
He was honest and protective and he saw straight through the hardened exterior that I had created.
He made me want to fight for something better.
I could run, go back to the street and continue risking my life just to live. 
But now, being offered something more, I wasn't sure if I could go back without at least a taste of what it was like.
We came from two completely different worlds, but they were about to collide. And I was about to learn that maybe the grass really wasn't that much greener on the other side.

Pre-order Links: 

Author Bio:

Addison Jane is a born and bred kiwi girl with a passion for romance and writing.

When she gets the chance she enjoys the little things in life such as reading, dancing, music, and Facebook, but her world really revolves around the little girl who calls her Mum. It's an awkward balance between alpha males and Disney princesses but it works.

Growing up on a small farm next to the beach will always make her a country girl at heart. But since moving away to a small town close to the city she's discovered a dangerous love for shopping.

Writing stories has been something that's come naturally since she was young, and with the massive support of her friends and family, she finally decided to step out of her comfort zone and share them with the world. 

She enjoys bringing her books to life with strong female leads, sexy passionate men and a rollercoaster of twists and turns that lead to the happily ever after that her readers desire.

Author Links:

Cover Reveal - EXRATED by Stevie J. Cole + Teasers

EXRATED by Stevie J. Cole
Genre: Contemporary Romance 
Release Date: May 2, 2016


Tyler Westbrook, better known as Johnny Depth, is taking the adult film industry by storm. With his playboy looks, it’s no surprise a few coworkers have attempted to take things off set and into the bedroom, but Tyler refuses to blur the lines between work and play…until the new assistant to the director walks in. 

Jemma Morgan was recently fired from a lead role on a kid’s TV show that was supposed to be her big break. Unable to get another acting gig, she's accepted a job in an industry she never expected to be a part of. Although she anticipates being shocked her first few days on set, nothing could prepare her for the moment she's asked to hold the reflector as her ex-boyfriend plows through a woman like a Kansas cornfield.

In a world of butt-plugs, lube, and fake moans, is there a place for a second chance? Exes and some serious ohs…the term ex-rated just took on a whole new meaning.

Pre-order Links:

Author Bio: 

Stevie J. Cole is a secret rock star. Sex, drugs and, oh wait, no, just sex. She’s a whore for a British accent and has an unhealthy obsession with Russell Brand. She and LP plan to elope in Vegas and breed the world’s most epic child.

Author Links:

luni, 28 martie 2016

sâmbătă, 26 martie 2016

Cover Reveal - Assured (Soul Serenade #2) by Kaylee Ryan + Teasers

Assured (Soul Serenade #2) by Kaylee Ryan
Genre: New Adult Romance
Cover Design: Perfect Pear Creative 
Release Date: 2016 


I’ve always been the guy who plays the field. I like variety and my career ensures that I can have my pick of women.

Until her…

I’ve always been the girl who wants more. I want the white picket fence, the two point five kids and the dog. That’s what all little girls grow up dreaming about.

Until him… 

Why is it that she’s all I can see? I no longer want the variety instead all I want is her. I won’t stop until she believes that she’s mine. 

I assure you…

He’s not the kind of guy I usually date. He’s cocky, and famous and that hair. He says I’m what he wants, but I know his type. He likes to play the field. Only with me he’s different.

He’s assured.

Also Available:


Author Bio:

Kaylee Ryan has had a passion for reading since she was a little girl. That passion has slowly led to spinning romantic tales, and a one-click addiction. When she doesn’t have her nose stuck in her kindle or fingers glued to the keyboard, youcan find Kaylee hanging out with friends and family. She  loves all genres of music, and enjoys scrapbooking. She lives in Ohio with her husband (her real life
happily ever after) and their rambunctious little boy.

Author Links:

vineri, 25 martie 2016

RECENZIE - LEGENDA (Legenda #1) de Marie Lu


Lumea s-a schimbat definitiv. Statele Unite s-au scindat; partea de vest ocupată acum de republică, o naţiune mereu pe picior de război cu vecinii săi. June şi Day sunt doi adolescenţi care vin din medii radical diferite. 

Născută într-o familie republicană bogată, June se pregăteşte pentru o carieră de succes în armată. O imensă conspiraţie face ca destinul ei să se intersecteze cu acela al lui Day, cel mai căutat infractor din republică. 

Trădări, torturi, asasine - Orice devine permis pentru ca tinerii să nu poată ajunge la sursa tuturor minciunilor. 


 Cum această trilogie a devenit aşa de populară şi mulţi o numesc favorită lor am decis să o încep şi eu. Pentru că trebuie să recunosc, în ciuda recenziilor bune şi a laudelor, că sună foarte bine, te atrage datorită coperţii, a ideii şi mai ales a tonului. Căci poţi să-ţi dai seama din descriere că nu vor fi nişte personaje tipice, că acţiunea va fi explozivă şi suspansul îţi va mânca nervii până la ultima pagină. Iar genul asta de carte e ceva ce eu iubesc. 

Nu o să vă povestesc nimic din acţiune, pentru că vreau să o citiţi, să nu ştiţi ce urmează să se întâmple, să staţi ca mine cu ochii mari de fiecare dată când se mai întâmplă ceva, să faceţi tot felul de supoziţii şi mai ales să încurajaţi personajele. Bine că nu era nimeni prin preajma când am citit-o, pentru că de multe ori chiar am fost foarte activă, muscandu-mi buzele pe aici şi vociferând :)). Însă aşa e cartea asta, e plină de suspans şi de acţiune, de la început până la sfârşit, faptul că e scrisă din două perspective, Day şi June, o face să fie şi mai alertă, iar tu nu poţi decât să dai pagină după pagină.

Mi-a fost destul de greu să iau o mică pauză ca să scriu recenzia, pentru că neuronii mei deja voiau următorul volum. Dar am vrut să vă spun părerea mea, pentru că mi-ar plăcea şi mi-aş dori să o citiţi şi voi. E o carte de acţiune, relaţia dintre cei doi se formează uşor, nu nimic grăbit. Aş zice că prima dată prietenia se sudează şi încrederea, iar apoi iubirea, ceea ce foarte rar se întâmplă în cărţile ce genul. 

Day şi June sunt speciali amândoi, diferiţi şi atât de asemănători, amândoi încearcă să-şi rezolve problemele şi să lupte împotriva Republicii, din diferite motive. Sunt curioasă cum vor evolua lucrurile între ei şi sper ca relaţia să fie la fel bine construită, şi iubirea să nu-i orbească în vreun fel. Aştept să văd ce se întâmplă şi cu Republica în continuare, cu restul personajelor şi sper să-mi găsesc răspunsuri la tot ce-mi zbârnâie acum prin cap. 

Dacă vreţi o trilogie distopică atunci puteţi să o începeţi pe asta. Dacă vreţi ceva plin de suspans şi acţiune, cu intrigi şi secrete şi trădări, cu unii ce-ar face orice ca să-şi atingă scopul, ajungând să şi ucidă. Cu un sistem corupt, dar care pare aşa strălucitor şi drăgălaş. Unii compară seria cu altele, distopice, însă eu n-o compar, mie îmi place şi mai mult. 

Release Blitz - The Fire Between High & Lo (Elements #2) by Brittainy C. Cherry - Teaser, Giveaway

 The Fire Between High & Lo (Romance Elements #2) 
Cover Design: Brittainy C. Cherry
Genre: Romance 
Release Date: March 25, 2016 


There once was a boy, and I loved him.

Logan Francis Silverstone and I were complete opposites. I danced, and he stood still. He was quiet, while I ran my mouth. He struggled to find a smile, and I refused to frown.

The night I saw the darkness that truly lived inside of him, I couldn't look away.

We were broken together, yet somehow whole. We were wrong together, but always right. We were the stars that burned across the night sky, searching for a wish, praying for better tomorrows.

Until the day I lost him. He threw us away with one hasty decision--a decision that changed us forever.

There once was a boy, and I loved him.

And for a few breaths, a few whispers, a few moments, I think he loved me, too.

Purchase Links: 

Also Available:


Author Bio:

Brittainy Cherry has been in love with words since the day she took her first breath. She graduated from Carroll University with a Bachelors Degree in Theatre Arts and a minor in Creative Writing. She loves to take part in writing screenplays, acting, and dancing--poorly of course. Coffee, chai tea, and wine are three things that she thinks every person should partake in! Brittainy lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with her family. When she's not running a million errands and crafting stories, she's probably playing with her adorable pets.

Author Links:

miercuri, 23 martie 2016

RECENZIE - Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles #1) de Marissa Meyer


La 126 de ani după Al Patrulea Război Mondial, oamenii și androizii aglomerează străzile zgomotoase ale Noului Beijing. O molimă letală face ravagii printre cetățeni. Din spațiu, un popor lunar nemilos privește cu atenție, așteptând să acționeze. Nimeni nu știe că soarta Pământului atârnă pe umerii unei singure fete... 

Cinder, o adolescentă de șaisprezece ani, mecanic talentat, e cyborg. Provenind dintr-o regiune defavorizată, e urmărită de un trecut misterios și detestată de mama ei vitregă. Dar când viața ei se întrepătrunde cu cea a chipeșului prinț Kai, fata se trezește în centrul unei lupte intergalactice și a unei atracții interzise. 

Captivă între datorie și libertate, loialitate și trădare, tânăra trebuie să descopere secretele trecutului ei pentru a putea proteja viitorul omenirii. Întrucât există ceva neobișnuit în legătură cu Cinder, ceva pentru care unii ar face moarte de om.


Aveam această serie pe lista de cărţi ce vreau să le citesc cred că aproape de când a apărut, deci de câţiva ani. Însă mereu am amânat - pentru că citeam altceva sau nu avea chef de povestea asta sau pentru că devenise atât de populară cartea şi seria încât părea ceva extraordinar şi nepământean, aproape. Şi mă gândeam ce-o să fac dacă nu-mi place? Dacă, deşi povestea e bună şi etc, însă n-o să-mi placă tocmai din cauza aşteptărilor prea mari. Auzind atâtea laude de la toată lumea şi văzând doar ratinguri foarte mari cumva cheful meu de a citi cartea şi seria a început uşor să scadă. Poate şi pentru că am fost curioasă să citesc povestea, însă nu eram atât de bucuroasă şi dansând prin cameră de entuziasmată. Pentru că-mi plac şi nu-mi plac romanele inspirate din poveşti sau basme sau care repovestesc într-un fel sau împrumută elemente din ele. N-am nimic contra lor, dar nici un mare fan nu sunt. 

Şi cum într-o zi mă uitam ce mai am prin Kindle am dat iarăşi peste ea şi mi-am zis că dacă n-o citesc acum, n-o s-o mai citesc pentru că interesul meu pentru cărţi ce le am de mult timp pe lista începe să scadă din ce în ce mai repede. Aşa că m-am apucat de citit şi în câteva ore am terminat-o.

E o lectură destul de uşoară, capitolele nu sunt foarte lungi, deşi este cu cyborgi nu există vreun limbaj complicat sau extrem de tehnic şi e o carte pe care o poţi citi şi vara. Adică, deşi e considerată SF, Fantasy cu puţină dystopia nu e genul acela de lume foarte mare, descrisă cu o mulţime de detalii şi zeci de personaje cărora le uiţi numele darămite să ţii minte cum arată şi n perspective şi etc. Ci e un roman destul de echilibrat, adică vezi lumea şi afli cam care-s regulile şi cine conduce, dacă există duşmani, fiecare personaj ce interese are şi cam ce intrigi există. 

M-aşteptam să fie o poveste foarte romantică şi puţin siropoasă, poate cu Cinder fiind un pic prea naivă, însă n-a fost aşa. Adică auzisem că e un personaj puternic şi că nu e construită clişeic, însă până la urmă te gândeşti că e Cenuşăreasa şi trebuie să aibă acel ceva. Mi-a plăcut foarte mult personalitatea ei şi faptul că n-a căzut la picioarele prinţului din prima secundă; adică nu l-a ignorat complet, dar nici nu i s-au aprins călcâiele şi d-acolo ştim ce urmează. Cinder e puternică, extrem de ironică, amuzantă, uneori acţionează fără să se gândească la consecinţe, iar alteori ajunge în mijlocul unor situaţii din care scapă folosindu-şi mintea şi vorbele. 

Povestea are partea ei de iubire, însă nu e atât de dulce şi sigur nu e-n centrul romanului. Avem parte de acţiune şi suspans şi spionat şi puţine intrigi politice şi un fel de magie, să zicem. Ca să nu mai zic de final ce mi s-a părut... adică, sigur şi intenţionat s-a terminat aşa. N-ai cum să închei un roman în aşa fel şi să nu speri că cititorii îl vor citi pe următorul. Însă Cinder are, pe lângă plotul specific poveştii originale, şi câteva întorsături pe care nu le-aştepţi.

Lumea creată de autoare mi-a plăcut, a fost descrisă cât să-ţi faci o idee şi să o poţi percepe cu toate simţurile, mai ales când se vorbea de mâncare şi... sincer nu citiţi acele pasaje când vă e foame :)) Cinder cumva te face să vezi acea lume că ceva din realitate sau din viitor, însă în acelaşi timp te face să te întrebi "oare cum ar fi fost povestea Cenuşăresei dacă s-ar fi întâmplat acum?" sau în viitor. 

Însă deşi mi-au plăcut toate aceste lucruri, n-am fost impresionată şi nu m-a surprins atât de tare pe cât speram. Nu m-am îndrăgostit de poveste, de lume, de Cinder sau de prinţ şi nici n-am urât-o pe Levanna aşa cum au spus alţi cititori. Apreciez povestea şi plotul, îmi plac personajele şi cum au decurs lucrurile, însă în acelaşi timp mi se pare că scriitura putea fi mai bine. Pentru mine nu s-a produs acel declic care să facă povestea vie. Am citit-o, însă n-am simţit nimic nici pentru personaje, nici pentru lume, nici n-am leşinat la final. Da, te face curios, însă nu atât de curios încât s-alergi imediat şi să citeşti următoarele volume. 

Comparativ cu reacţiile altor cititori, mai ales din U.S., pot spune că mi-am satisfăcut curiozitatea şi mi s-a părut un roman bun, însă sigur nu e cartea mea preferată şi Cinder nu e personajul meu preferat. Însă am de gând să continui seria, pentru că din ce-am înţeles ar deveni mai bună şi mulţi ce n-au plăcut aşa tare primul volum şi-au mai schimbat părerea pe parcurs. Pentru că povestea şi lumea au potenţial, iar intrigile şi planurile malefice sau cele bune pot atinge nişte cote destul de înalte şi poate chiar spaţiale : D

Pentru un prim volum, aşa cum am mai zis, a fost bun, nu chiar favoritul meu din alte începuturi de serii sau trilogii, însă unul promiţător, care a avut cam câte puţin din toate cât să mă convingă şi să mă facă să vreau să continui. Şi dacă tot apare la noi eu zic să încercaţi şi poate dacă nu ştiţi deja de cât de faimoasă şi populară e această serie poate nu veţi avea aşteptări aşa mari şi o veţi citi cu alţi ochi. Pentru că vrem sau nu această popularitate uneori ne mai bruiază. Plus că ideea e interesantă şi aş zice că Marissa Meyer a făcut o treaba bună punând-o în practică; şi ţinând cont de cât de mari devin volumele, mai ales ultimul, cred că ne-aşteaptă multe lucruri interesante. Şi alte personaje noi. Yey! 

Lectură plăcută şi dacă n-a fost favorita mea, poate va fi a voastră!

Blog Tour - Prescient by Derek Murphy

Prescient by Derek Murphy
Genre: Time Travel/Dystopia
Release Date: March 21st 2016


The first time I saw the future I lost hope.

It wasn’t just that the future sucked; that civilization had gone and ruined itself; that we’d altered our own DNA and devolved into predatory monsters that fed on the few remaining survivors. That was all awful enough, but it was more than that. I remember being young and thinking, when I grow up, I’ll have a nice big house. I’ll get an exciting, interesting job. I’ll meet the man of my dreams and we’ll fall in love and stay together forever.

But that all disappeared the first time I tripped 20 years into the future and found the houses burned, the handsome boys dead, and the only jobs were the ones young girls gave hairy old survivors in tents in exchange for a little food and water. Nobody asked little girls what they wanted to be when they grew up anymore. Nobody wanted to draw attention to the fact that most of them wouldn’t live that long.

There was no hope, no peace for anyone. At least I had it better than they did. When my trip was over, I would get to go back. Back to the normalcy of 2015. Back to iPhones and Twitter and buying so much food it went bad before you could eat it. Back to laughing over foamy cappuccinos and iced lattes at the mall, window shopping and flirting with hot guys (not that I ever did that, mind you - but I always wanted to). And I still could. That was the point. Unlike everybody else, for whom 2015 was 20 years ago - long before humanity was destroyed - it was my reality. At least, it was some of the time.

But after seeing the future; after struggling to make it to the end of the day; after my first kill - none of those other things were the least bit enjoyable. All I could think when I got back to the real world, is how can I stop what’s coming?

Prescient is a young adult time-travel dystopia, this is Part One of the first book in the series. 

Buy Links:

About the Author:

I wrote my MA thesis on Harry Potter and am working on my PhD in literature, while secretly writing YA fantasy novels and designing book covers. I blog about self-publishing, book design and book marketing, and am renting a castle for Nanowrimo 2016. I hope you like my writing!

Author Links:

Cover Reveal - Surfers Way Series by Jennifer Ryder & Lauren K. McKellar + Teasers & Giveaway

Title: Losing Faith
Series: Surfers Way 
Author: Jennifer Ryder 
Genre: NA Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: Louisa Maggio of Love N. Books
Release Date: May 19, 2016 


The inseparable are well and truly split. 

Mack, Faith and Lacey, joined at the hip since primary school, are about to graduate high school. You might think this sounds like a book about coming-of-age and taking that leap into adulthood. 

It is— except one of them doesn’t make it … 

Lacey Marone had two solid things on her agenda for her future — working in the Pepperoni Palace until she figured out what the hell to do with her life, and getting together with her bestie’s older brother, Quade, who she’s crushed on since she was a kid. 

Then graduation night changed everything. Almost three years later, Lacey won’t rest until she discovers the truth surrounding Faith’s death. She’s outcast by those who want to move on from the tragedy, as if the town’s sweetheart never existed. 

Years after losing Faith, Quade Kelly returns home to Runaway Beach, determined to mend ties with his parents and cement a future in his hometown teaching at the local primary school. Quade soon learns that his sister’s ghost lives on, thanks to Lacey, the girl who still owns a piece of his heart. 

Lacey is hung up on her quest for answers. Quade wants to bury his failures of the past. The pull between them can’t be denied but can the past be forgotten? 

Truths will be uncovered and hearts will be cracked open wide. After all, graduation was never meant to end like this.

Pre-order Link:

Jennifer Ryder:

Jennifer Ryder is a bestselling author with five novels in the Spark Series published to date. She loves to write about boys on dirt bikes, detectives and strong females who aren’t afraid to fight for what they want.

Living on a rural property in New South Wales, Australia, she enjoys the best of city and country. Her loving husband is ever willing to provide inspiration, and her two young cherubs, and sheep that don't see fences as barriers, keep life more than interesting.

Title: Seeking Faith
Series: Surfers Way 
Author: Lauren K. McKellar 
Genre: NA Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: Louisa Maggio of Love N. Books
Release Date: May 19, 2016 


The inseparable are well and truly split. 

Mack, Faith and Lacey, joined at the hip since they were kids, are about to graduate high school. You might think this sounds like a book about coming-of-age and taking that leap into adulthood. 

It is—except one of them doesn’t make it … 

Mackenzie Carter has one solid thing on the agenda for her future—get out of town and focus on her post-school studies. After all, she’s wanted to be a vet since she was a little girl, and nothing, not the thought of being apart from her two best mates or the idea that maybe she’s got more-than-friendly feelings for a sexy local surfer can alter that … can it?

Graduation changes everything.

Almost three years later, and Mack’s high school dreams are just that—figments of her imagination, thanks to the guilt that haunts her on a daily basis. Will a faux relationship with Byron Leckie be the thing she needs to get her life back on track? Or will it make everything worse? 

One thing is for certain. When these two collide, the damage will be fierce. After all, graduation was never meant to end like this.

Pre-order Link: 

Lauren K. McKellar:

Lauren K. McKellar is the author of contemporary reads that make you feel. With a passion for all books Young and New Adult, she is currently the author of five self-published books, all of which have held top 50 charting places digitally within Australia. Lauren loves to write about real-life issues, and is a passionate researcher when it comes to her work. She’s a big believer in creating works that make people feel. 

Lauren lives by the beach in Australia with her husband and their two dogs. Most of the time, all three of them are well behaved.