marți, 20 septembrie 2016

RECENZIE - Absolut tot de Nicola Yoon


Boala lui Maddy, protagonista cărții, este pe cât de rară, pe atât de faimoasă. Pe scurt, e alergică la lume. Nu are voie să iasă din casă, n-a mai ieșit de șaptesprezece ani. Singurii oameni pe care-i vede în carne și oase sunt mama ei și Carla, sora medicală care o îngrijește.

Dar apoi, într-o bună zi, vine la casa de alături o camionetă. Maddy se uită pe fereastră și îl vede pe el. E înalt, suplu, îmbrăcat tot în negru – tricou negru, blugi negri, teniși negri și un fes negru care-i acoperă părul în întregime. O surprinde privindu-l și se uită fix la ea. Maddy îi răspunde la fel. Numele lui e Olly.

Poate că nu putem prezice viitorul, dar putem prezice câte ceva. De exemplu, Maddy e sigură că se va îndrăgosti de Olly. Aproape sigur va fi un dezastru.


Nu cred c-am auzit vreodată pe cineva spunând că nu i-a plăcut cartea asta sau că n-o recomandă, şi sincer, în timp ce o citeam nu puteam să înţeleg de ce. Pentru că nu e un roman scris într-o manieră complexă sau să aibă un stil încărcat, cu tot felul de expresii şi descrieri sau nişte personaje ce vor să te dea pe spate, cine ştie ce băiat fermecător sau vreo fată ce aşteaptă să fie salvată. Nu e o carte ce încearcă să-ţi dea lecţii de viaţă sau sfaturi, o poveste siropoasă sau una care încearcă prea mult să fie amuzantă sau plină de drame. E o poveste de viaţă, foarte vie, plină de culori, de la cele mai întunecate şi până la cele care-ţi fac ochii să lăcrimeze, cu doi tineri care oscilează între a fi timizi şi cei mai vorbăreţi, cuminţi şi nebuni, care ignoră viaţa şi care muşcă din ea, vrând mai mult şi mai mult cu fiecare înghiţitură. 

N-o să încerc să te conving s-o citeşti şi nici n-o să încerc să ţi-o recomand, pentru că ştiu că nu merge. De când a apărut în S.U.A. m-am ferit să o citesc, ştiind că e atât de iubită, lăudată şi părea prea perfectă; nimeni nu-i găsea defecte şi toţi păreau ca fermecaţi după ce-o terminau. Şi acum înţeleg de ce. Nu-i cea mai bună carte pe care am citit-o vreodată, dar după ce-o termini rămâne cu tine şi te face să gândeşti, te face să priveşti cu atenţie, să te uiţi mai bine în oglindă şi la ce e în jur, la oameni, la obiecte şi la natură. Te face să apreciezi ceea ce ai material, mental, sufleteşte, şi să te bucuri, să plângi şi să tipi, pentru că eşti sănătos şi poţi face absolut tot ce vrei.

Dacă o să citeşti Absolut tot şi o să priveşti lumea prin ochii lui Maddie şi o să trăieşti viaţa ei, atunci o să-ţi dai seama cât avem şi cât de puţin apreciem uneori. Cufundandu-ne în rutină, lăsând zilele şi nopţile să treacă pe lângă noi, profitând de sănătatea pe care unii n-o au şi nu ne dăm seama. Nu cred că e o carte ce te va face să trăieşti viaţa mai bine sau că e o lecţie de viaţă sau o poveste motivaţională, dar îţi deschide ochii. Şi o face într-un mod simplist, amuzant, prin nişte personaje care ştiu să fie şi serioase şi ironice, care iubesc şi urăsc, plâng şi râd, sunt extrem de precaute şi apoi iau nişte riscuri ce-ţi provoacă ameţeală. Pentru că uneori viaţă aşa e: te face să fii nebun fix cândsimţi că n-ar trebui. 

E un singur lucru ce nu mi-a plăcut la carte, un singur personaj, ce mi s-a părut extrem de egoist, răutăcios şi poate demn de milă. Poate sunt rea, spunând asta, însă prin ce-a trecut şi ce-a pierdut nu mi se pare că justifică deloc ceea ce a făcut; pentru c-a afectat destule vieţi şi a privat pe cineva de viaţă şi de toate lucrurile ei: bune sau rele, julituri sau râsete, capriciile vremii, emoţii, bucurii şi decepţii, toate acele nimicuri şi lucruri mari care ne fac noi. I s-o fi părut bine şi poate a fost, însă mie mi se pare de neiertat şi nu cred c-ar reuşi vreodată să răscumpere, în vreun fel.

Relaţia lui Madeline cu mama ei mi s-a părut foarte simpatică şi bine construită, destul de naturală, ţinând cont că toţi avem zilele noastre bune şi proaste şi că niciodată n-ai cum să te înţelegi cu cineva fără să nu fie şi discuţii sau păreri diferite. Mi-a plăcut faptul că în marea majoritate a timpului păreau doar nişte prietene bune şi nu mamă şi fiică; am văzut destul de rar lucrul acesta în cărţile pentru adolescenţi, unde părinţii lipsesc total sau sunt doar stereotipuri. 

Unii spun că iubirea dintre Olly şi Maddie e aproape imediată, însă mie nu mi s-a părut. Eu cred că ei au devenit întâi prieteni şi apoi lucrurile au început să fie altceva; nu sunt de părere că dacă o fată vrea să petreacă timp cu un băiat sau se simt bine împreună înseamnă neapărat că-l place. Sau dacă un băiat e drăguţ cu o fată şi vor să vadă un film sau să facă altceva, gata se iubesc. Adică, pe bune? Prietenii nu fac asta? Sau dacă sunt de sex opus atunci nu e prietenie? Dar normal, pentru că e YA, orice interacţiune trebuie să însemne iubire... (nu că-n alte genuri ar fi mai diferit, dar)

Una peste alta, mie mi-a plăcut romanul, pentru că e o lectură uşoară şi chiar dacă nu-i foarte scurt ca număr de pagini, îl citeşti foarte repede, pentru că are o mulţime de imagini sau schiţe, uneori sunt doar câteva rânduri pe-o pagină sau o singură propoziţie. Nu prea e scris în sensul clasic. Vorbind de plot, au fost câteva lucruri ce s-au bătut puţin cu logica, dar să zicem că nu m-a deranjat aşa tare, ţinând cont că mi-au plăcut personajele, scriitura, chiar şi desenele, relaţia dintre Maddie şi mama ei, Olly şi Maddie. Chiar şi relaţia Carlei cu Maddie. Cam toate legăturile dintre personaje sunt interesant create şi romanul e bun. Nu e o carte ce te loveşte din plin, dar cred că e una ce-ţi rămâne în minte mult timp după ce-o termini. Sau pentru mine aşa va fi. 

Iar Maddie şi Olly, deşi par cei mai imperfecţi şi nebuni oameni pe care i-am cunoscut în ultima vreme, mie mi se par cei mai de viaţă şi amuzanţi pe lângă care să nimereşti. Chiar şi la un suc sau doar să tragi cu urechea la o discuţie de-a lor.

vineri, 16 septembrie 2016

Până ne vom revedea... de Renee Collins - În curând la LedaEdge


Cluburi rurale și petreceri în grădină. Ultimul lucru pe care ș i-l dorește Cassandra e să petreacă vacanț a dinaintea ultimului an de liceu izolată într-un orăș el plin de snobi din Massachusetts, pe țărmul oceanului. Cass tânjeș te după dramatism și aventură, lucruri greu de găsit în acel loc, unde se simte prinsă ca într-o capcană.

 Dar când un străin încântător apare pe plaja privată a familiei ei, susț inând că este proprietatea lui - și că sunt în anul 1925 - , Cass este atrasă într-un mister vechi de aproape o sută de ani. În vreme ce caută răspunsuri în prezent, Cass descoperă un adevăr care pune viaț a lui Lawrence în pericol. Nu va mai conta din ce secol vine el, dacă nu va mai trăi până mâine. 

Disperată să-l salveze pe băiatul care înseamnă totul pentru ea, Cassandra trebuie să găsească o cale de a schimba istoria… sau să riș te să-l piardă pe Lawrence pentru totdeauna.

„Timpul s-a oprit în loc atunci când am citit această poveste, atât de frumoasă, încât mi-a tăiat răsuflarea. Nu voiam să se mai termine niciodată.” - KASIE WEST

Coperta originala:

Blog Tour - The Healing (The Enigmas #1) by Summer Storm + Giveaway

The Healing (The Enigmas #1) by Summer Storm
Publication Date: September 5, 2016
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Paranormal, Romance


Cahan Whalen is the drummer for the hard rock band, The Enigmas. He also happened to be a century old Lycan. Living with a curse that was set upon him in his youth, he waited for the day when fate would bring him the woman that would choose him and break the curse. Freeing him to kill the one man he had waited his whole life to kill, his half-brother Niall.

Tempest Dempsey is the senior vice president for Whitehall Media’s record label. Her life outside of work is pretty quiet and she likes it that way. On the night she meets Cahan, the sexy drummer’s touch sparks a connection that will change her quiet life forever.

When the president of the record label steps down, Tempest is curious about who his replacement is going to be. In walks Niall Fannin, an extremely sexy and intelligent man who will challenge and excite her.

As Tempest is torn between these two fearsomely handsome men, fate will have both of them fighting to win her heart.


About Summer Storm:

I am what I am, a tell it like it is, no holds barred female. No apologizes out of me. So don’t ask a question you don’t want a real answer too. I don’t kiss ass and tell people what they want to hear I tell them what they need to hear. So no holds barred here either.

This is my first attempt at writing, with no formal writing experience, so I have been learning as I go so please forgive all the…well mistakes. Editing is not my strong suit. And being an Indie writer you can’t afford all the editing, proofreading and all that other stuff. The story is what has been churning in my brain and thanks to my wonderful daughter, I dumped it down on paper.

I have the wonderful support and expertise of a group of indie writers, yea girls you know who you are, that have nurtured and encouraged my path. As one of them told me when I kept going back and editing the same pages and not moving forward, “You can’t edit a blank page. Just put your story down and go back and edit it later.” Just the kick in the ass I needed.

I have always been into fantasy stories. I started down that path way back when with writers like Terry Brooks, Robert Jordan, Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis. At some point life got in the way and I stopped reading for years. Then my daughter hooked me into wonderful authors like JR Ward, Larissa Ione, Kendall Grey and SL Jennings, just to mention a few. If you want to be seduced, I highly recommend reading their books.

My hope is that you, as readers, will fall in love with my band and follow their struggles, heartache and passion.

joi, 15 septembrie 2016

Blog Tour - Draw Play by Tia Lewis - Teasers, Giveaway

Draw Play by Tia Lewis
A Sports Romance
Publication Date: September 5, 2016
Genres: New Adult, Contemporary, Sports, Romance


Jake lives and breathes football. When he’s not demonstrating his skills on the field, he’s busy putting the moves on every hot girl on campus. The last thing he needs is a tutor cramping his style but curvy Claire gets under his skin in more ways than one.

Claire can’t stand football players, and Jake is just as cocky and arrogant as the worst of them. He’s also impossibly sexy. Despite their frequent arguments, she starts to see another side to him and finds him increasingly hard to resist.

When they finally surrender, the heat they generate could melt the North Pole but is Jake really willing to sacrifice his image for Claire? Or will she be left on the sidelines with a broken heart?

Draw Play is a very steamy standalone, full-length football sports romance novel. It’s only recommended for audiences 18+. No cheating. No cliffhangers. Guaranteed HEA.

Read for FREE in KindleUnlimited: Amazon

About Tia Lewis:

Tia Lewis is a romance author from the Midwest who writes about smart, sexy, sassy women and hot, possessive alpha males. Her favorite bad boys to write about include sports players, mafia, bikers, billionaires and the bad-ass next door. You can find her cooking, reading, or traveling when she’s not busy working on her next release.

Want to be kept up to date on new releases? Text LEWIS to 31996 or go to:

joi, 8 septembrie 2016

Cover Reveal - Dirty Shots by Marissa Farrar

Dirty Shots by Marissa Farrar
Publicationdate: September 2016
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance


Eric Rutherford is a photographer at the top of his game.

Young, handsome, and rich, he burst onto the art scene like a rock star. His black and white portraits sell for massive sums, but Eric wants to take a new direction in his work. He longs to create erotic art. He wants to photograph the imprints of rope across a woman’s skin, and the red stripes left by a flogger on a pale bottom.

And so his search for the perfect model begins, and when blonde Anya walks into his apartment, his only fear is she’ll say no.

Art student Anya Rhinne knows all about Eric Rutherford.

She knows how he’d had every spotlight turned on him, only to fall from grace spectacularly with some kind of breakdown he only described in interviews as his ‘dark days.’

When he offers her the job as his model, and their sessions together grow more intimate, she struggles to divide what is professional from personal.

As his work takes a turn toward obsession, a desire to create perfection at all costs, she has to wonder if she’ll ever mean more to him than just a beautiful image on a photograph.

Will she sacrifice everything for his art?


Author Bio:

Marissa Farrar has always been in love with being in love. But since she's been married for many years and has three young daughters, she's conducted her love affairswith multiple gorgeous men of the fictional persuasion.

The author of more than twenty novels and numerous short stories, she has been a full time author for the last six years. She predominantly writes paranormal romance andurban fantasy, but has branched into contemporary fiction as well.

For all the latest news - cover reveals, launch dates, and promotions - sign up to hernewsletter at
If you would like to know more about Marissa, you can usually find her hanging out on her facebook page . You can also tweet her at

She loves to hear from readers and can be emailed at

Cover Reveal - Blush for Me (Fusion, #3) by Kristen Proby

Kristen Proby is known for writing heartfelt characters with deep connections and sizzling passion. In her Fusion Series from William Morrow, she seduces readers’ senses with the sexy, contemporary romance in which five best friends open a hot new restaurant together.

 Today, we are thrilled to bring you the gorgeous cover for BLUSH FOR ME, the third book in the Fusion Series! BLUSH FOR ME brings readers the next story in this amazing cast of characters. Releasing March 21, 2017, BLUSH FOR ME is the third standalone novel in Kristen’s Fusion Series. Grab your copy of the first two books in the series, LISTEN TO ME and CLOSE TO YOU, and preorder BLUSH FOR ME today!


New York Times bestselling author Kristen Proby continues to delight the senses with the latest novel in her delectable Fusion series.

As the take-charge wine bar manager of Seduction, Portland's hottest new restaurant, Katrina Meyers is the definition of no-nonsense, and she isn't afraid of anything. Well, almost anything: she hates to fly. When she's forced to travel on a death trap with wings, the turbulence from hell has her reaching for any safe haven—including the incredibly handsome guy sitting next to her.

Ryan "Mac" MacKenzie hasn't been able to get his sexy seatmate out of his head. The way she clung to him stirred something inside him he didn't think existed: tenderness. As the owner of a successful wine touring company, Mac thinks he's got a handle on what life can throw at him and he's not prepared for any surprises, especially in the feelings department. And when he brings a tour into Seduction, he sees the petite spitfire he just can't forget.

Mac is determined to discover what else they have in common besides fine wine and the inability to keep their hands off each other. But what will it take for two stubborn people to realize that what they have is so much more than a hot chemistry between the sheets and to admit to falling in love…?

Add to your Goodreads

And Don’t Miss the First Two Novels in the Fusion SeriesLISTEN TO ME and CLOSE TO YOU!

About Kristen Proby:

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Kristen Proby is the author of the bestselling With Me In Seattle and Love Under the Big Sky series

She has a passion for a good love story and strong, humorous characters with a strong sense of loyalty and family. Her men are the alpha type; fiercely protective and a bit bossy, and her ladies are fun, strong, and not afraid to stand up for themselves.

Kristen lives in Montana, where she enjoys coffee, chocolate and sunshine. And naps.

miercuri, 7 septembrie 2016

Cover Reveal - Fractures (Running on Empty #3) by M.R. Field + Teasers

 Fractures (Running on Empty #3) by M.R. Field 
Genre: New Adult/Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: By Hang Le 
Release Date: October 25, 2016



If love were a battleground, then we waged a war upon it.

We’d been best friends for years, and then we were wayward lovers. It was meant to just be an itch to scratch—some harmless fun. But once he had me under his thumb, tied in his binds, he became my undoing. 

These days, he consumes my thoughts. I’m powerless under his touch. 

He makes me ignore the guilt from my past that consumes me when I don’t deserve to forget. With him, I am raw and exposed, yet he continues to move closer to me. 

He’s willing to fight, but my armour has been dented enough. 


Secrets have the power to make or break you—mine have the power to do both.

After being lied to by my own family, I know the power of deception. Now, I’m afraid that withholding the truth will be my ruin. 

Especially when all my secrets are attached to her. 

She is my muse. My salvation. The reason my past didn’t destroy me. 

She makes me feel. She makes me want. She’s the gasoline to my fire. 

All’s fair in love and war. 

For us, it’s time to strike the match.

Pre-order Link:

Also Available:

Author Bio:

M R Field is an author from Rural Victoria and has completed a Bachelor's degree with Honours from Latrobe University, Melbourne. After growing up with the river at her front door, she returned back to her hometown after many years of living in the city. She now lives a tranquil lifestyle with her husband, two young children and effervescent dog, Zephyr. 

M R Field has always held a love for writing, filling journals as a child which progressed to more eloquent pieces as an adult. After ten years of creative instruction, she decided to turn these ideas into manuscripts. She adores creating new story lines and is a big fan of a happily ever after, but believes strongly in making her characters work for it. 

She has recently decided to join the independent publishing world with her debut novel, Fragments, which released late 2014, alongside its subsequent novel, Splinters that released in 2015. Fractures, her latest novel is due for release on October, 25th 2016.

Author Links:

Cover Reveal - Confessions of an Undercover Girlfriend (Confessions #2) by Kay Marie

From bestselling author Kaitlyn Davis, writing as Kay Marie, comes the second book in the Confessions series, a romantic comedy being hailed as “the new Bridget Jones!” (Broc’s Bookcase).

Confessions of an Undercover Girlfriend (Confessions #2) by Kay Marie
Publication date: October 11th 2016
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance


So, I’m no longer a virgin sex columnist—thank you, Ollie—but if I thought that was going to make my life easier, boy was I wrong! John is back in town determined to win my forgiveness. Blythe is more ready than ever to take me down. Bridget is totally onto the new twinkle in my eye. And, well, Ollie is just as distractingly delicious as usual.

So, naturally, I have a few more confessions to make.

Confession #1: I came up with what I thought would be the perfect plan to keep my relationship with Ollie a secret—pretend to get back together with John!

Confession #2: It backfired. A lot.

This is a sweet romance, perfect for fans of Sophie Kinsella, Meg Cabot, and Emily Giffin!

Sequel to:

Author Bio:

Bestselling author Kaitlyn Davis writes young adult fantasy novels under the name Kaitlyn Davis and contemporary romance novels under the name Kay Marie.

Always blessed with an overactive imagination, Kaitlyn has been writing ever since she picked up her first crayon and is overjoyed to share her work with the world. When she's not daydreaming, typing stories, or getting lost in fictional worlds, Kaitlyn can be found indulging in some puppy videos, watching a little too much television, or spending time with her family. 

If you have any questions for her--about her books, about scheduling an event, or just in general--you may contact her at:

To stay up-to-date with all of Kaitlyn's new releases, sign up for her new release newsletter here:

luni, 5 septembrie 2016

Cover Reveal - The Cad and the Co-Ed (Rugby #3) by L.H. Cosway and Penny Reid + Giveaway

The Cad and the Co-Ed (Rugby #3) by L.H. Cosway and Penny Reid
Publication Date: TBA
Genres: New Adult, Contmporary, Romance, Humor


Keeping a secret this big is going to take lots of balls. Specifically, rugby balls.

Bryan Leech is a cad.
Or, he *was* a cad.
No one is quite certain.

Once the quintessential playboy, Bryan claims he’s done with wild parties and weekend benders. No more one night stands leading to mornings he can’t remember; no more binges and blackouts; no more exploits plastered all over the tabloids and rag sheets. According to Bryan, he’s cleaning up his act.

The only problem is, no one believes him.


Eilish Cassidy never thought she’d be a mother at nineteen or still in college at twenty-four. Cut off from every member of her family except her favorite cousin, she’s finally managed put her life back together. Stronger and wiser, Eilish enters her last semester of university determined to stand on her own. Now she just needs to find an internship.

The only problem is, her best option—by far—places her directly in the path of her son’s father, and he doesn’t remember her at all.


Bryan is determined to prove he’s changed. Eager to settle down with the right woman, he’s got his sights set on the gorgeous redhead who seems terribly familiar.

Eilish is determined to hide her secret. She’ll do anything to keep her child safe, even if that means ignoring her own wishes and desires.

But what happens when Bryan starts to remember? And what will it take for Bryan to convince the girl he forgot that she’s unforgettable?

The Hooker and the Hermit on Kindle Unlimited: 

The Player and the Pixie on Kindle Unimited:

About L.H. Cosway:

L.H. Cosway has a BA in English Literature and Greek and Roman Civilisation, and an MA in Postcolonial Literature. She lives in Dublin city. Her inspiration to write comes from music. Her favorite things in life include writing stories, vintage clothing, dark cabaret music, food, musical comedy, and of course, books.

She thinks that imperfect people are the most interesting kind. They tell the best stories.

About Penny Reid:

SEX! It all started with sex, between my parents. Personally I don’t like thinking about it, but whatever works for you is a-ok with me. No judgment. The sex happened in California and much of my life also occurred in that state until I moved from the land of nuts (almonds), wine, silicon… boobs, and heavy traffic to the southeast US. Like most writers I like to write, but let’s get back to sex. Eventually I married and gave birth to 2 small people-children (boy-6, girl-4 as of this writing).

By day I’m a biomedical researcher with focus on rare diseases. By night I’m a knitter, sewer, lino block carver, fabric printer, soap maker, and general crafter. By the wee hours of the morning or when I’m intoxicated I love to listen to the voices in my head and let them tell me stories. I hope you enjoy their stories.

Cover Reveal - Road to Destiny (Scorpio Stinger MC #5) by Jani Kay - Teasers, Giveaway

 Road to Destiny (Scorpio Stinger MC #5) by Jani Kay
Genre: MC Romance
Release Date: September 26, 2016


Life couldn't be more perfect.
With the woman I love and twins on the way, I'm a happy man. 

But the strange thing about life? Nothing stays the same for long. Bad things happen when least expected, throwing the club and my life into chaos. 

This time I could lose everything that matters to me. My world ripped apart and turned on its axis. 

Only I can't allow what Jade and I have to be destroyed. I'll lay everything on the line, fighting until my last breath because life is worthless without her. 

Jade is my reason for breathing. This time the fight is not for survival, it's for love.

Pre-order Links:

Reading Order: 

Scorpio Stinger MC Series 

#0.5 Ryder Prequel 
#1 Two Worlds Colliding 
#2 Unchain My Heart 
#2.5 A Biker Christmas 
#3 Gods & Monsters 
#4 Tormented 
#5 Road to Destiny

Also Available: 



ON SALE for $1.99 for a limited time 

Want to get ready for Book #5 in the Scorpio Stinger MC Series?? Over 1000 pages of HOTTT Bikers on sale for a limited time! Catch up with Badass Biker, Ryder Knox & his Princess, and the Scorpio Stinger MC brothers in this set of 3 Novels and 2 Novellas before Book #5 releases on SEPTEMBER 26!!



Author Bio:

USA Today Bestselling Author - Jani Kay lives in Western Australia within a ten minute walk to the beach which is one of her favorite places to chill out. 

She has been a bookworm all her life - as a voracious reader, she would gladly spend her last dollar on a book. She is always fascinated that for the mere price of a book (often less than the price of a coffee!), she can escape her life for a while and see through someone else's eyes into their world. 

Jani loves the colour red, is a fiery Aries, is impatient and always storming ahead with those ram's horns, bashing her head...she has a wicked sense of humour and loves laughing. 

In her 'other' life, Jani is a business woman and a scientist - a creative scientist though - she formulates skin care products and brews up concoctions in her laboratory... 

She has 2 beautiful children who have grown into amazing young adults and Jani is very proud of them. 

Besides reading and writing, her favorite 'thing' is traveling and drinking cocktails on the beach while watching the sun set over the ocean (Sex on The Beach anyone?).

Above all, she believes in Kindness, Karma, Miracles and Magic...

Author Links: